Terrence Poindexter

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Terrence Poindexter
Portrait terrence2.png
Terrence Poindexter's Lair, ultimately
Portrait terrence2.png Madame Comptroller, I merely need your signature on these budget revisions. With this, the remainder of funds currently allocated to municipal services will be redirected to your shadow presidential campaign, and your other projects.

Terrence Poindexter is the The President of Shadows' Accountant General and your nemesis as a Jazz Agent.


Poindexter is a cruel, calculating man who leaves nothing to chance. He observes small details carefully and methodically calculates his plans and actions.

Terrence has a huge ego. He claims ownership even of your dreams when he sees fit; he makes it a point to tell you you don't merit his respect; and he makes it abundantly clear that he's in with important and powerful people. He believes he can foresee every possibility, and he's shocked when you prove him wrong.

His theme music includes eerie chimes, like a distant clock tower, and the ticking of a clock or watch.


Fight him (ch. 4)
Terrence Poindexter (random)
Random shadow (3)
XP (kill)
It's called 'Kickball'! (ch. 2)
Poindexter's Left Eye
Poindexter's Right Eye
XP (kill)
Fight it (ch. 6)
Terrence Poindexter (phase 2)
XP (kill)
Fight him (ch. 6)
Terrence Poindexter (phase 1)
Random shadow (4)
XP (kill)

You first meet Terrence Poindexter at the Refrigerator Factory. He takes a moment to observe you, the "interloper", and denies anything is unusual when you notice his creepy hat. Wasting little time, he politely but swiftly commands Shadow Oliver Gluck to dispatch you.

Communicating remotely through a pair of shadow orbs, Terrence interrupts you on the way out of Valley Hardware in Chapter 2. He addresses you by name, even if you didn't tell him your name earlier; he's clearly done his research. You can fight the two "eyes" or simply skip the combat.

Later that chapter, Poindexter is mentioned as the foreman of the Crystaldream Dam Construction Site. He supplies nutritious sludge for the workers' lunches, claiming the trouble of making food pleasurable is a waste of time. Unsurprisingly, the workers strongly disagree.

While you wander The Big Moist in Chapter 4, Terrence intercepts you personally. He brings a gun, which is apparently more direct than his usual methods. This time, the fight is mandatory; if you refuse or lose, you're stuck with Terrence's Accounting for -1 to all stats until you defeat him, much later, in Chapter 6.

You confront Terrence Poindexter for the final time in Terrence Poindexter's Lair, after paying your dues at The Shadow I. R. S. You must either fight his first and second form, beat him with your greater understanding of improvisation, or absorb him with shadow power.

Poindexter also makes an appearance all but the first night's dreams:

Chapter Dream Major event
Prologue A Dream About School Choose a character class
1: Welcome to Ocean City A Fitful Dream Talk to your Nemesis
2: The Spooky Forest Another Fitful Dream Your nemesis reports to their boss
3: Back to School Yet Another Fitful Dream Dean Wormwood hopes his barrier will hold
4: Swamped A Disconcerting Dream Vignettes of the President's life
5: Heartland of Darkness An Exceptionally Fitful Dream Talk to the President

See Also