Dark Noël

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Dark Noël
Portrait noel2.png
Dark Noël's Lair, ultimately
Portrait noel2.png Now now, don't be such a grinch! I have presents for you!

Noël White, aka Dark Noël, is The President of Shadows' chief magical officer and your nemesis as a Cheese Wizard.


Dark Noël is obsessed with her Crimbo theme. She must have had a weird childhood. She even managed to make her eyes glow red and green when preparing for a fight.

Noël presents a cheerful attitude, in contrast to her counterparts who make it clear you are beneath them. She's said to be obsessive, but she claims that's true of all wizards, and it's honestly kind of hard to disagree.

Noël's theme music, naturally, is composed of ethereal-sounding chimes and sleigh bells.


Fight her (ch. 4)
Dark Noël (random)
Random shadow (3)
XP (kill)
...a knuckle sandwich! (ch. 2)
Dark Noël's Left Eye
Dark Noël's Right Eye
XP (kill)
Fight it (ch. 6)
Dark Noël (phase 2)
XP (kill)
Fight her (ch. 6)
Dark Noël (phase 1)
Random shadow (4)
XP (kill)

You first meet Dark Noël at the Refrigerator Factory, where she takes notice at your ability to see her hat's "special Crimbo magic" (which has absolutely nothing to do with Crimbo, and it's debatable whether it's even technically magic).

Communicating remotely through a pair of shadow orbs, Dark Noël interrupts you on the way out of Valley Hardware in Chapter 2. You can fight the two "eyes" or simply skip the combat.

Later that chapter, Noël is mentioned as the fore[wo]man of the Crystaldream Dam Construction Site. She supplies nothing but sugary Crimbo snacks for the workers' lunches, to their great dismay. Here in 1917 she's known to the workers as Noël White, in contrast to 1928 when Oliver Gluck addresses her as Dark Noël.

She greets you in person while you wander The Big Moist in Chapter 4. This time, the fight is mandatory; if you refuse or lose, you're stuck with Noël's Dark Sigil for -1 to all stats until you defeat her, much later, in Chapter 6.

You confront Dark Noël for the final time in Dark Noël's Lair, after making your way through The Shadow D. M. V. You must either fight her first and second form, beat her in a contest of magic and Spooky Armor, or absorb her with shadow power.

Noël also makes an appearance all but the first night's dreams:

Chapter Dream Major event
Prologue A Dream About School Choose a character class
1: Welcome to Ocean City A Fitful Dream Talk to your Nemesis
2: The Spooky Forest Another Fitful Dream Your nemesis reports to their boss
3: Back to School Yet Another Fitful Dream Dean Wormwood hopes his barrier will hold
4: Swamped A Disconcerting Dream Vignettes of the President's life
5: Heartland of Darkness An Exceptionally Fitful Dream Talk to the President

See Also