Terrence Poindexter's Lair

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Terrence Poindexter's Lair
Government Valley
The Shadow I. R. S.
Unlocked by
Paying your taxes

In Terrence Poindexter's Lair, he awaits, presumably arranging specks of dust into neat little lines.

The demonic mouth spits you out into a sparsely-decorated office -- assuming "bookshelves filled with identical ledgers" counts as decoration. The whole room is sterile and boring and it reminds you of Terrence Poindexter, partly because of the sterile boringness, but also he's standing in it.

Is it finally time to deal with this jerk once and for all?

Yes, yes it is
Fight it
Terrence Poindexter (phase 2)
XP (kill)
Fight him
Terrence Poindexter (phase 1)
Random shadow
Random shadow
Random shadow
Random shadow
XP (kill)

Confront Terrence Poindexter. You have three options:

  • Fast-talk him for a sneak attack with Bamboozle.
    • You need 10ish Moxie and 8ish Spooky Armor.
    • On success, gain 20-22 XP, and your character demands he leave the country, on pain of unpredictable consequences.
    • You can also fight his second form, if you feel like it.
  • Fight him in his first and second forms.
  • Absorb him if you have Shadow Taint level 5. You get Poindexter's hat.

When you defeat him by any means, you lose Terrence's Accounting, if you had it.

Find the key to the Black House in his desk.

Completely Random Jazz

For the sneak attack, your character rolls two six-sided dice and acts based on the result. When they roll for the third time, they ignore the dice and catch Terrence as he attempts to dodge. For funsies, here are the possible attacks:

Roll Attack
2 You stab two fingers forward and poke Terrence in the eyes. His spectacles prevent any real damage, but you've clearly startled him. His face turns pale. Well, paler than usual.
3 You lash out with your right foot, catching Poindexter in the side of the knee. It buckles and he staggers with a gasp, then quickly rights himself, limping slightly.
4 Pop! Pop! You catch Poindexter with two quick jabs to the face, then smash him with a heavy left hook. He staggers backward, momentarily stunned.
5 You feint a jab to Poindexter's face, then smash your fist into his solar plexus. He gasps loudly as the wind is knocked out of him.
6 You feint left, right, left, and then pop him one right in the nose. Doesn't seem like you broke it, but he sure felt it.
7 A good-old traditional haymaker to the jaw. Poindexter reels, and spits out a tooth.
8 You slug Poindexter in the guts, doubling him over. A follow-up to his nose stands him back up again.
9 You fake a left-cross, and smash him with a hard right. The force nearly spins him backwards.
10 You bend your knees and spring, sending all the force through your shoulders to a smashing uppercut to Poindexter's jaw. He flies backward, but manages to keep his footing.
11 You karate-chop Poindexter in the throat. He manages to jump back just in time to keep his windpipe from being totally crushed, but he's still wheezing in pain.
12 You knee Poindexter in the groin. Ding! **Critical Hit!** He doubles over, groaning.