Goldthwait Park

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Mapicon1 goldthwaitpark.png
Goldthwait Park
Ocean City
Unlocked by
  • Asking the thugs at the Fridge Factory how you can get meat for their bribe
  • Mentioning a lack of meat to Jessica
  • Defeating or bribing said thugs

Goldthwait Park is an excellent place to begin exploring Ocean City and earning Meat, items and XP.


Speak to the groundskeeper, convince him (to pretend) you're a government contractor, earning 5 XP, and take up to five jobs. When you return to the groundskeeper, you gain 75 Meat and 5 XP for each job you've completed. (Convincing the groundskeeper is a fake stat test; it claims you need whatever your current main stat is or 4, whichever is lower. The other two stats pass at 4 and have the exact same effect.)

a landscaper

Invasive Plant
Invasive Plant
Invasive Plant
XP (kill)
XP (weedicide)
Exterminator (left)
Aggressive Giant Cricket
Furtive Giant Cricket
XP (kill)
Exterminator (right)
Armed Giant Cricket
Aggressive Giant Cricket
Furtive Giant Cricket
XP (kill)

The groundskeeper unlocks the botanical garden, to the left.

  • Enter it and examine the invasive plants.
  • You might also check out the maintenance shed, which contains a few helpful items, such as a potent weedicide (requires Cryptobotanist or 3ish Mysticality in addition to having seen the plants).
  • Slip the weedicide into the sprinkler system in the garden and activate it with 2ish Muscle.
  • Or you can simply fight and defeat the three Invasive Plants.

an exterminator

You'll find the Lepidopteratorium up and to the left.

  • Inside, fight and defeat two groups of giant crickets to complete the job.
  • If Pacifist Mode is enabled, you won't initially be able to accept the exterminator quest. Later on in the game, the quest will be become acceptable even with Pacifist Mode ticked. Alternatively, you can just disable the Mode while you talk to the groundskeeper and then re-enable it.
  • There is a non-combat solution to this quest, but you're unlikely to have the 9ish Mysticality needed for it on Day One.

a plumber

Go west (that's new west, meaning up on the screen) and down the ladder to the Maintenance Tunnels.

  • Mess with the switches to get the pressure to 40 gallons/minute.
  • Fast solution: flip the two leftmost switches and the rightmost switch.
  • The correct configuration, from left to right, is down, up, down, up, up.

a security guard

Head up to the fountain where a hobo is busking with his oboe skills.

  • He asks for some Meat. Giving 10 or 50 allows you to simply ask him to leave as a friendly favor (and he also goes to the Hobo Camp and can become your companion).
  • Or you could get rid of him with Brag/Bewitch/Bamboozle (4ish mainstat).
  • Or scare him off with the power of the terribly cursed fedora if you haven't uncursed it.

a... statue polisher?

Get some Stench Armor.

  • The cheap cologne from the trash can on Plunkett Street will do, or the Cola Wars gasmask from the surplus shop.
  • Then interact with the five statues to the groundskeeper's right to clean them up.

Remember to see the groundskeeper for your payment for finished jobs. Once all 5 side quests are complete, you get a random ring.


Main Plaza

  • Find sandals in shrub next to the Botanical Garden.
  • Just beyond the Botanical Garden is a bunch of pointy rocks with an inscription and a date to look up in The Watchful Eye Office.
  • Late in the game, you may also find a shadow rift in the middle of the rocks. It contains the shadow knife.

Maintenance Shed

Botanical Garden

Fountain Plaza

Fishing in the fountain
8-12 Meat
  • Psychogeologist: reassure a rock for 5 XP.
  • Once you fix the fountain, you can fish up Meat from it.


If you want to talk to the insects day 1, perhaps as a stunt, it is possible:

Science Center

Maintenance Tunnels

Other Locations
