Random ring

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Some interactions give you a random ring. The ring you receive is drawn from a pool of possible rings, the contents of which depends on how many rings you received previously, as well as your class. Note that other than the old wedding ring, you will not receive the same ring twice.

The list of possible rings includes the generic rings shown in the table below, with some of them predicated on having already received at least 5 rings, and one ring which is not available to pacifists. To this list is added class-specific rings, each of which is included only if you have the relevant skill. Finally, the old wedding ring is added if you already have all other rings.

Generic rings

Ring Condition
friendship ring Always
inside-out ring of weakness
inspiring ring
jagged ring
mood ring
ring of repulsion
snake-tooth ring
thunder ring
white-hot ring
scabrous ring If you already received at least 5 rings
anaerobic ring
bezoar ring
bottlecap ring
ring of the raucous fracas
rush ring
grindstone ring If you are not in Pacifist Mode
old wedding ring You have all other possible rings already

Class rings
