Sandwich Museum

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Sandwich Museum
Crystaldream Lake
Unlocked by
Wandering in Crystaldream Lake

The Sandwich Museum now stands where the Village of Sandwich once stood. It was home to a terrifying witch cult until all the inhabitants were convicted and executed in 1692, and the village stood empty and uninhabited since.

At least, that's the official story.


The Trial

Today is the trial of Patricia Williams, who stands accused of:

Stealing Tom Danforth's pocketwatch!

Making a dumb-looking doll!

Writing "Peter Proctor is a Stinky (rude word) Head" on the wall of the outhouse!


At Valley Hardware in the past, have the shopkeeper install the time-travel outhouse at Sandwich Museum. You can now go see the trial for yourself. Seems it wasn't witch trials that destroyed the town. You'll have to unravel the truth if you want to do some good for history.

  • Planning ahead, buy a rubbing paper from the gift shop. (Better yet, 2 papers, and a Sandwich cream for the cat.)
  • Step through the time door.
  • Examine the door to the Putnam Residence (left of the church). Your character needs to know it's locked, for later.
  • In the church, talk to the three kids, intervene, and offer to be Patricia's attorney.
  • Hear the charges, then tell them you'll be right back.

The Evidence

First, do some investigating in the past:

  • Check the outhouse and make a Sandwich outhouse graffiti rubbing out of your rubbing paper.
  • Barge into the Proctor Residence (the big house by the cemetery). Hide behind the arras and hear Mrs. Proctor reveal that Peter's nightstand has a secret compartment in it.
  • Enter the Danforth Residence (on the left), speak to Theresa Danforth, and mention you met Tom at the church. She tells you Tom wishes to be buried with the pocketwatch.

Now step through the time door and gather evidence in the present:

  • In the Putnam House (the scorched one), try to tear a page out of the diary.
  • You need to distract the guard, so pull some pins out of the doll.
  • Tell the guard about the pins.
  • Now that he's not watching, tear out a Page from Delia Putnam's diary.
  • Find Thomas Danforth's grave in the cemetery and dig it up with a shovel. Sure enough, Tom Danforth's pocketwatch was buried there.
  • Optional: Make a rubbing of Peter Proctor's grave with a second rubbing paper.
  • Go upstairs in the Proctor House and unhook the rope in front of the fourth door, the Proctor House Bedroom.
  • Check Peter's nightstand for the secret compartment and find a severed ragdoll arm.

The Verdict

Back in 1692, go into the church again and tell the kids:

  • You have evidence that proves Patricia didn't steal the pocketwatch. (Not really, but getting the watch back — even aged 236 years — is good enough for Tom.)
  • You have evidence that proves Patricia didn't write the graffiti. (Peter is still a doody head, though.)
  • You... have evidence concering the doll? You guess? (It was a regular four-armed one until Doody Head Proctor ruined it.)
    Editor's note: Delia "wanted something different... but I'm not allowed to be different." This hits very close to home as a queer person.
  • Optional: Show Peter the rubbing of his grave declaring him a doody head for all the future to see. (Presumably you left out the part showing he dies this very year, for his sake.) He agrees to try to be nicer.

Save the Putnam House

With Patricia fully acquitted, you take a moment to ask the kids about witchcraft, since there's still something to be done about the town's future (well, its past). They don't even think witchcraft is real, so you'll have to poke around on your own.

  • Ask to borrow Delia's house key. It's lost in the nearby woods.
    • If asking about they key isn't an option, you may have forgotten to examine the Putnam door. Just walk up to it, see the text that says it's locked, and return to the kids.
  • Go to S.I.T. (Rufus's Lab) and find Rufus' metal detector near the bookshelf. You need to agree to help Rufus first (but actually helping can wait until later).
  • Return to Sandwich Museum and wander until you find the extremely rusty old key (along with self-adhesive rivets, a piece of scrap metal, and a chunk of lead).
  • Step through the time door. Unlock Delia's door (it's the second house) and go inside.
  • Move the oil lamp away from the curtains.

Note: Since you need a thing from Rufus, this can't be completed before Day 3.

Save the Village

Returning to the present, you find the Putnam House isn't burned. It contains two different exhibits than the ones you saw before.

Warning: Some areas of present-day Sandwich Museum are about to become inaccessible, notably the shadow rift in the cellar. Finish any exploring and looting you wish to do.

  • Examine the old plate. It gives you a date: 31st October 1626.
  • Travel to Ocean City. The Watchful Eye Office archives don't go back that far, but check the 1860-1879 file for the 250th anniversary of the village's founding. You learn the name of the founder: Fulke Proctor.
  • Travel to Sandwich once more, back to the past, and examine the cellar door of the Proctor residence. Enter the padlock's combination: FULKE.
    • Or you can go straight to the cellar after resolving the kids' trial, skipping the previous steps.
  • In the cellar, mess with the ritual circle.

In three days' time, Nicholas Proctor's obscene magic will backfire, destroying him rather than everyone else. The trial may have been a children's game, but justice has been served. Return to the present and see the kids' descendants happily hosting their own houses as a museum in their forebears' honor.



Sandwich Museum

Fishing in the trough
saddle shoes (1st cast)
fish in a sack
1-3 Meat
bucket of chum
Cheez Loaf
clam jerky
Cola Wars MRE
delicious oyster
expired seltzer
extra-hard candy
false cheese
rusty cola can
surplus Cola Wars grenade
(<rod>% items)
Fishing in the well
16-24? meat
  • A water trough for horses. You can fish in it, but only if you haven't saved the village.
  • Fish in the well for Meat.
  • A gazebo with sign: "VAGRANTS NOT WELCOME". If you vandalized the sign in the past by removing the NOT, meet Creamy Steve, a hobo. You can talk to him for +1 Hobo Literacy and send him to the Hobo Camp for 15 XP.
  • 3 empty tubs

Gift Shop

* rubbing paper 25 Meat
* Sandwich cream 50 Meat

You can also use a jar of cream (with 3 mana-enriched flour, after reading Doughbaby recipe) to make a dough baby familiar.

Putnam House

Everything in this house was destroyed by fire, except these two objects, which were found concealed inside a metal box:

  • An antique ragdoll
  • Diary of Delia Putnam (note date: 6 March, 1692 -- the watchful eye does not have archives that far back)
  • A security guard is keeping a close eye on the exhibits. He doesn't engage in conversation, even dodging attempts to shadow-speak at him with the terribly cursed fedora.

After moving the lamp in the past, the house is not burned down.

  • A 236 year old plate, with date '31st October 1626' stamped on it.
  • An iron pan


  • A damaged sign that reads: Today is the trial of Patricia Williams, who stands accused of - before becoming unintelligible.
  • The altar on the church will show as if it was tainted by "blood". However, examining it in the past replaces it with a dried jam.


Proctor House

  • A chess board, with black winning, initially.

Proctor House Upstairs

  • Six doors, only five of which are part of the house.

Proctor House Bedroom

Accessible after learning about Peter's nightstand's compartment's secret. I mean secret compartment.

  • A nightstand to examine as part of the quest.
  • A mirror.

Proctor Cellar

After observing the root cellar in the past, you can dig with a shovel to enter the cellar.

Public Restroom

Fishing in the toilet
sodden tricorn hat
Must have a rod equipped


Village of Sandwich

Fishing in the well
1-3? Meat
  • A newspaper with the date March 3rd, 1692.
  • You can't fish in the water trough. You'd pierce the horse's lip.
  • Fish in the well for a little Meat.
  • A gazebo with sign: "VAGRANTS NOT WELCOME". Vandalize it to meet Creamy Steve in the present-day museum.
  • 3 tubs full of flowers.

Danforth Residence

Fishing in the washbasin
handful of clean water

Putnam Residence

Accessible with extremely rusty old key.

  • Delia's lockbox, which you can't open for fear of creating a paradox.

First Church of Sandwich

  • The unmarred "witch trial" sign.
  • Talk to the kids for the quest.
  • Someone left a jam sandwich on the altar.


  • Far fewer graves.

Proctor Residence

  • A chess board, with black winning, initially. The game can be manipulated, switching which side is winning.
  • An arras wall hanging.
  • There is no access to the upstairs.

Proctor Cellar

Accessible with the combination FULKE, even if you haven't seen it in the newspaper.


In 1928:

  • An elderly woman tending the gift shop
  • A security guard
  • Creamy Steve, after you repair the gazebo's sign. (They call it vandalism, but we know better.)

In 1692:

  • Theresa Danforth
  • Patricia Williams, the accused
  • Tom Danforth, the judge
  • Delia Putnam, the jury
  • Peter Proctor, the executioner
  • Mrs. Proctor and her guest

In 1928 after saving the village:

  • A Danforth descendant tending the gift shop
  • Dorothy "Dolly" Putnam
  • Phil Proctor, who definitely doesn't know anything about witchcraft


  • When you move the lamp, the narrator has some serious nerding out to do about whale oil. It's probably Riff; this seems like his style, and he does most of the writing at Asymmetric anyway. Goes to show they did their fair share of research to portray the 1928 setting with the desired degree of accuracy.
  • If you enter the cellar in the past without completing the trial, you get the following message:

Technically, you shouldn't be able to be down here without having finished dealing with the kids and their trial. Not that I'm calling you a cheater - you probably just remembered the combination to the lock from an "alternate timeline", or something. And I will totally give you credit for being clever enough to try and shortcut things this way. But, since messing with the stuff in this cellar early would make the trial unsolvable, I hope you'll understand if I don't let you do that.

