West of Loathing wander events/Region A

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Region A: South East Encounters

Location Discovery

Encounter Text Location Unlocked
You spot a cemetery on the horizon. The lettering over the gate says "The Daveyard", which seems oddly specific. The Daveyard
You spot an old mine on the horizon. Abandoned mines are safe and fun to explore! Snakepit Mine
You spot a store on the horizon. Perhaps you could exchange Meat for goods and services there. Buttonwillow's Store
Your keen eyes detect a secluded cave in the near distance. Exploring it would definitely by a good use of your time. Shaggy Dog Cave
You spot the smouldering ruin of a ranch on the horizon. Ominous. Stearns Ranch
You spot an old army fort on the horizon. Probably abandoned, but there's only one way to find out. Fort Cowardice
You spot a small cottage on the horizon, with what looks like a workable table in front of it. Silversmith's House

Non-Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Options
Tiny special.png
You catch a whiff of something that makes your eyes water. You trace it to its source -- a vividly-colored red shape hanging from a scraggly little plant.

This must be the Southeast-Western Murder Pepper that feller at the Jewel was looking for.

One time, after the Dirtwater chef asks for a pepper
Tiny special.png
You come upon a wrecked and abandoned stagecoach lying at the side of the trail, surrounded by large clawed footprints in the dust. They look like gila monster tracks -- lots of them. One time [Crazy Horse], if don't have Walking Stupid (or the perk Stupid Walking)
Tiny nc.png
Your booze sense alert you to the presence of a rock. Confused you move the rock, and sure enough there's a bottle of booze behind it! Repeatable
Tiny help.png
You hear a groaning noise a short distance away and investigate. A cowpoke is sitting against a rock with his leg bent in a way that seems... incorrect. Repeatable
Tiny help.png
Off to one side of the trail you see a covered wagon, and a small family of settlers who look upset Repeatable
  • Ask Susie to fix the wagon [Susie]
    15 XP, or 25 XP if altruistic
  • Give them a ride to back to Dirtwater
    10 XP, or 20 XP if altruistic, go to Dirtwater
  • Leave them to their own devices
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You come across the corpse of a cowboy.

How do you know it's corpse of a cowboy?

Well, you see by his outfit that he is a cowboy, and you see by his lack of flesh that he is a corpse.

Tiny nc.png
<Horse name> notices a camp of bandits before you do, and dives behind a large creosote bush before they spot you. Repeatable [Dark Horse]
  • Capture them alive [Honorable]
    gain 10 - 11
    + apple pie
  • Vigilante them in cold blood [Ruthless]
    gain 30 - 50 meat
    + 10 - 11 XP
    + black hat
  • Rob them as they would rob unto you
    gain 30 - 50 meat
    + 10 - 11 xp
  • Sneak away
    continue travel
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you notice one of those weird cacti shaped like coffee cups. Repeatable
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you spot a beer-barrel cactus. You're not sure why they call them that, since they're shaped like mugs, not barrels. Repeatable
Tiny forage.png
As you're riding toward your destination, a flash of color catches your eye. You parallel park your horse and stop to investigate the source.

It's one of those cacti with the rainbow-colored buttons on it.

Tiny nc.png
You find a wrecked bank stagecoach with a strongbox in the back. It's too heavy to carry, but too locked to open. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
As you're riding along, you see some braided fuses sticking out a nearby rock.

Investigating it more closely, you see that somebody drilled a hole in the rock and inserted a bunch of dynamite, but apparently lost interest and wandered away without setting it off.

Or maybe they were just out of matches.

Tiny nc.png
You find a crate of supplies bound for a nearby army fort. Looks like it fell off the wagon. Or the driver fell off the wagon and was too drunk to strap it down.

In any case, it looks like it got knocked open by the fall.

Tiny nc.png
Out in the middle of the desert, you find an abandoned minecart. It's sitting on a section of mine cart track about twelve feet long, which starts nowhere in particular and ends even less of a somewhere in particular. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You happen across an abandoned crate, which apparently fell off a wagon or something since the lid has been knocked loose. You know what that means! Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You find a crate lying by the side of the trail, its lid knocked loose.

It has "FELL OFF THE BACK OF A CART LTD." stencilled on the side, which seems a bit on-the-nose, but hey, free stuff is free stuff.

Tiny nc.png
You discover what is either an open grave or a very deep and rectangular pothole. Repeatable
Tiny elv.png
Your El Vibrato transponder starts beeping. You follow it to a small outcropping of El Vibrato ruins in a nearby creekbed. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
Tiny nc.png
You stumble across an overturned stagecoach. Repeatable
  • Flip it over [Muscle 5]
    gain 10 - 11 XP
  • Leave it alone
    continue on
Tiny nc.png
As you're riding down the trail, a dirty urchin jumps out, points a toy pistol at you, and demands that you "pay the toll" by doing twenty pushups. Repeatable
  • Pay the boy [Muscle 5]
    gain 10 - 11 XP
  • Ignore the little scamp
    continue on
Tiny nc.png
Off the trail's shoulder, you see some ancient petroglyphs carved into a rock. Repeatable
  • Translate them [Mysticality 5]
    learn petroglyph clue 1: "My first is the first of a burning coal"
    + gain 10 - 11 XP
  • Ignore them
    continue on
Tiny nc.png
You encounter a family of scared settlers trying to pack their wagon to head back east out of Dirtwater. They're having a hard time getting everything situated. Repeatable
  • Help them pack [Mysticality 5]
    gain 10 - 11 XP
  • Ignore them
    continue on
Tiny nc.png
As you're riding towards your destination, you pass by a building in which a barn dance is happening. I guess that makes it a barn. The people inside seem to be having a pretty good time! Repeatable
  • Join in [Moxie 5]
    gain 10 - 11 XP
  • No time for dancing
    continue on
Tiny nc.png
You espy an empty whiskey bottle sitting on top of a fencepost about sixty paces away. Repeatable
  • Try to shoot it [Moxie 5]
    gain 10 - 11 XP
  • It's not worth the bullet
    continue on

Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Non-Combat Options Combat Option
Tiny bandit.png
As you turn a corner, you come face-to-face with three bandits pushing a large barrel marked "TNT" down the trail. The four of you stare at each other for a moment, unsure of how to deal with this potentially violent happenstance. One-time
Dive for cover and fight 'em
Bad guys
a sharpshootin' bandit
a sharpshootin' bandit
a sharpshootin' bandit
a rock
a TNT barrel
XP (kill)
30 - 33
20 - 30 meat
40% chance of bandit pistol
40% chance of black hat
40% chance of black denim pants
Tiny undead.png
A ghostly, translucent bandit on a ghostly, translucent horse rides up and points his ghostly, translucent rifle at you, demanding all your ghostly, translucent valuables.

I mean, he doesn't actually specify that your valuables should be ghostly and translucent, but it doesn't seem like he'd have any use for regular ones.

Repeatable [Pale Horse]
  • Run away
    continue travel
Attack it This fight counts as an undead fight with value 1
Bad guys
a ghost rider
XP (kill)
10 - 11
bit of ectoplasm
50% chance of ghost cowboy hat
Tiny cow.png
At the side of the trail, you see a small hellcow - a hellcalf, really. It snorts at a patch of brush, lighting it on fire, then starts grazing. One-time
Attack it
Bad guys
a juvenile hellcalf
XP (kill)
10 - 11
20 - 30 meat
1 of
extra-thick leather
Tiny cow.png
You notice trails of burnt vegetation off the side of the trail, which can only mean one thing. A hellcalf is grazing nearby. Repeatable
  • Leave it be
    continue travel
Track it down This fight counts as a cow fight with value 1
Bad guys
a juvenile hellcalf
XP (kill)
10 - 11
20 - 30 meat
1 of
30% chance of brass bull ring
extra-thick leather
Tiny cow.png
Your heart skips a beat as you spy a floating cow skull in the middle distance. It doesn't seem to have noticed you yet. Repeatable
  • Go the other direction
    continue travel
Approach it This fight counts as a cow fight with value 1
Bad guys
floating cow skull
XP (kill)
10 - 11
cow fangs
1 of
Tiny goblin.png
You hear a rustling sound and trace it to a small gulch nearby. Peeking over the edge, you see a goblin rustling around in the brush. Presumably it's a Gulch Goblin rustler? Always kind of assumed that referred to a different sort of rustling, though.

It looks up at you and makes some angry-sounding goblin noises.

One time
Jump down and fight it
Bad guys
a moxious goblin
XP (kill)
10 - 11
20 - 30 meat
goblin sandwich
20% chance of goblin pistol
Tiny skeleton.png
A skeleton approaches you, in that jittery, stop-motion-y way that skeletons do. Judging by its hat, it appears to be the skeleton of a beanslinger. You remember the classic saying: "Old beanslingers die like normal people, but sometimes they keep walking around and casting spells at you afterwards." One-time
Fight that ol' has-bean This fight counts as an undead fight with value 1
Bad guys
the remains of a beanslinger
XP (kill)
10 - 11
20 - 30 meat
1 of
bean-stained pants
20% chance of cowboy chef's hat
Tiny skeleton.png
A few hundred yards up the trail you see a solitary skeleton, trudging toward the northwest.

It doesn't seem to have noticed you. Or anything else, really.

  • Run away
    continue travel
Attack it This fight counts as an undead fight with value 1
Bad guys
a mindless skeleton
XP (kill)
10 - 11
1 of
50% chance of gold tooth
Tiny cultist.png
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but when you see someone wearing dark cultist robes, it seems like a pretty safe bet that they're some sort of cultist. Another clue is the fact that he or she is trying to teach a skeleton how to tap dance. At least, that's what it looks like from here. Repeatable [Pale Horse]
  • Leave 'em be
    continue travel
Attack it
Bad guys
a tough-looking skeleton
a necromantic cultist
XP (kill)
20 - 22
Nex-Mex Book
50% chance of skeleton bone
Tiny snake.png
You notice a smoldering hole in the ground and recognize it as the habitat for the Southeast Western coal snake.

They keep to themselves, mostly, but they're also known to enjoy a fight if one is thrust upon them.

  • Walk away without thrusting
    continue travel
Thrust one upon it
Bad guys
a coal snake
XP (kill)
10 - 11
20 - 30 meat
1 of
Snake Oilers only
Venom: 1 - 2
Medicine: 1 - 2
coal snake skin
Tiny elv.png
Your El Vibrato transponder starts making that bleeping noise that means either treasure or a monster is nearby. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone
    continue travel
Attack it
Bad guys
an El Vibrato construct
XP (kill)
10 - 11
El Vibrato scraps