a necromantic cultist

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Head dude serious.png

Cow Puncher
Snake Oiler
Muscle: 3 - 13 3 - 6 3 - 6
Mysticality: 5 - 8 5 - 15 5 - 8
Moxie 4 - 7 4 - 7 4 - 14

HP:  18 - 24
Speed:  2
Base Damage:  5
Armor:  0
Target:  Player


Head dude serious.png

Cow Puncher
Snake Oiler
Muscle: 6 - 206 6 - 72 6 - 72
Mysticality: 10 - 76 10 - 210 10 - 76
Moxie 7 - 75 7 - 75 7 - 209

HP:  36 - 48
Speed:  3
Base Damage:  6
Armor:  0
Target:  Player




  • Preferentially attempts to cast Buff Skeleton on the primary allied character. Once that is done, or if the primary allied character is not a skeleton then attacks with Grinnin' Skull.