West of Loathing wander events/Region B

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Region B: Middle East Encounters

Location Discovery

Encounter Text Location Unlocked
You spot the unmistakable silhouette of an old mission on the horizon. Old Mission
You spot the crumbling remains of an old dairy ranch on the horizon. Butterfield Ranch
You recognize the familiar shape of a mineshaft entrance off in the distance. Kole Ridge Mine
You spot an astonishingly large horse apple in the distance. You are literally astonished by the size of it. It is very large. The Big Apple
You notice a campsite off in the distance that appears to have been very comprehensively trampled to ruin. Destroyed Campsite
You spot a plume of smoke on the horizon.
You see a sign that says "Snake Spring: Over Yonder" Snake Spring
You find a flyer for a dynamite store up North. It's charred around the edges, like it got blown here by an explosion.

You mark the address on down on your map

Dynamite Dan's Discount Dynamite Darehouse

Non-Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Options
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you notice one of those weird cacti shaped like coffee cups. Repeatable
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you spot a beer-barrel cactus. You're not sure why they call them that, since they're shaped like mugs, not barrels. Repeatable
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you spot one of those weird cacti that produce sealed cans of tuna fish as fruit.

What a world.

Tiny nc.png
You find a safe on the side of the trail. Ironic, you think to yourself, that it's in such an unsafe location. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
Someone's left a bundle of dynamite on the ground. You approach it cautiously, verifying that it's neither wired to a detonator nor connected to an actively sparking fuse.

What an odd and dangerous thing for someone to leave lying around.

Tiny nc.png
You find an abandoned crate, which has "MINE STUFF" stenciled on the side. Which is the worst grammar you've ever seen, even in a time and place notable for its poor grammar. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You pass an abandoned campsite, and an old crate catches your eye. On closer inspection, you find it's nailed shut. Maybe the campers used it to sit on, and then forgot to take it with them? Their loss is your gain, if you have a crowbar to pry it open with. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You spy a burned-out ranch house on the horizon, and pull <horsename> up to it to investigate.

There's nothing much of interest above ground, but you find a locked door leading down into a presumably still-intact root cellar.

Tiny nc.png
There's an open grave here, and it doesn't have a skeleton inside. I wonder what they're asking for rent. Repeatable
Tiny elv.png
Your El Vibrato transponder starts insisting that you head into a labyrinthing network of box canyons. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
Tiny nc.png
Off to one side of the trail, you spot a tree branch that's the perfect height for some giddy-ups, which is what pull-ups are called around here. Repeatable
  • Do some [Muscle 10]
    gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Don't giddy-up, just git along
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You encounter some homesteaders who seem to have run their wagon off the road. Either that or they found a wagon in the ditch and are pretending to be sad about it. Repeatable
  • Help them get it out [Muscle 10]
    gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Wave at them and ride away
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Off the side of the trail, you see an old man struggling to get a rope untied from a fencepost. Repeatable
  • Help him untie it [Mysticality 10]
    gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Tip your hat to him and ride on
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Off the trail's shoulder, you see some ancient petroglyphs carved into a rock. Repeatable
  • Translate them [Mysticality 10]
    learn petroglyph clue 2: My second’s the second of a conscious soul
    + gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Ignore them
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Some distance off the trail, you see a water tower that appears to have sprung a small leak. Repeatable
  • Plug it up [Moxie 10]
    gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Ride on
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Off the side of the trail you notice one of those furry cactuses. It has definitely seen better days. Its prongs are limp and its hairy coating is disheveled. Repeatable
  • Spruce it up [Moxie 10]
    gain 15 - 16 XP
  • Ignore that sad sack of a succulent
    continue travel

Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Non-Combat Options Combat Option
Tiny bandit.png
Investigating the smoke of a nearby campfire, you find a bandit snoozing cozily beneath a large and colorful quilt. Which seems like a strange choice for camping gear, right? And then he wakes up and jumps to his feet, revealing that the large and colorful quilt is actually a large and colorfully quilted pair of pants. One-time
Fight him
Bad guys
a quilty-pantsed bandit
XP (kill)
15 - 16
thick quilted pants
15 - 20 meat
40% chance of black boots
30% chance of black hat
30% chance of bandit pistol
Tiny bandit.png
You encounter a bandit who doesn't look very bandit-like, due to the lab coat and sliderule-holster. Fortunately, she's also wearing the standard black bandit hat, otherwise you might not have been able to tell. One-time
Fight her
Bad guys
a scientifically-minded bandit
XP (kill)
15 - 16
ring of moderate unpunchability
20 - 30 meat
20% chance of black hat
Tiny bandit.png
A nearby cloud of dust turns out to be a bandit on a horse, riding hell-for-leather for unknown reasons. Well -- I know them, but you don't.

You pull your horse up alongside hers, and match her speed.

Get neither
Bad guys
a hightailin' bandit
XP (kill)
15 - 16
hightailin' boots
30 - 40 meat
30% chance of black hat
30% chance of bandit pistol
Tiny undead.png
There's, uh... a skull? Just sort of rolling down the road toward you? Like directly toward you, and when you step to one side it swerves to match? Repeatable
Face it down This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
a tumbleskull
XP (kill)
15 - 16
1-2 of
50% chance of gold tooth
Tiny cow.png
A wave of heat hits you from behind. You turn around to see a hellcalf, pawing the ground and eyeing you with ill intent in its dead, black, demonic eyes. Repeatable
Charge it This fight counts as a cow fight with value 2
Bad guys
a hellcalf
XP (kill)
15 - 16
30 - 40 meat
1 of
30% chance of brass bull ring
extra-thick leather
Tiny cow.png
You round a corner in a box canyon and find yourself face to face with a pyrobove. You're... boxed in. Repeatable
Attack it This fight counts as a cow fight with value 2
Bad guys
an extra-hot pyrobove
XP (kill)
15 - 16
cow fangs
1 of
Tiny goblin.png
Some "thwock, thwock" noises lead you to the site (and the sight) of a goblin chopping down a large cactus. When it sees you, it waves his axe at you threateningly and makes some angry-sounding noises. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a Gulch Goblin cactusjack
a cactus
XP (kill)
15 - 16
15 - 20 meat
Gulch Goblin axe
20% chance of guffin
Tiny goblin.png
A nearby hissing sound alerts you to the presence of a snake -- or at least, something that sounds like a snake, which turns out to be a goblin cooking flapjacks on a flat and baking-hot rock. The grayish batter sizzles as the goblin pours out some more, and then they look up and give you a surprised look. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a Gulch Goblin flapjackjack
XP (kill)
15 - 16
10 - 20 meat
Gulch Goblin spatula
30% chance of Gulch Goblin flapjacks
Tiny goblin.png
The sound of gunfire draws your attention -- cautiously -- to where you find a goblin shooting a large pistol at some boulders. With the sound of gunfire and pinging ricochets filling the area, the goblin doesn't hear you approach. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a Gulch Goblin crackerjack
XP (kill)
15 - 16
20 - 25 meat
crackerjack hat
20% chance of goblin sandwich
20% chance of goblin pistol
Tiny skeleton.png
Well, here's an unusual sight -- an old boat out in the middle of the desert. If this were a beach, you could call it 'beached', but you can't call it 'deserted', because there's someone in it. One-time
Fight him/her This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
an old Viking skeleton
XP (kill)
15 - 16
rusty old viking helmet
50% chance of 1 of
50% chance of gold tooth
Tiny skeleton.png
Something at the side of the road catches your attention -- it's a slumped-over old skeleton, wearing a wizard hat. I think you'll agree that's reasonable attention-getting.

The skeleton lifts his/her skull and peers at you. He/She holds up a rusty old can of beans, and scrapes his/her thumb-bone across his/her first two finger-bones in the universal gesture for financial transaction.

Take the beans by force This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
a old wizard skeleton
XP (kill)
15 - 16
ancient bean can
dilapidated old wizard hat
30% chance of 1 of
30% chance of gold tooth
Tiny skeleton.png
You hear a dry cough behind you, and turn to see a skeleton dressed in a moldering old tuxedo and silk top hat shuffling toward you, gesturing angrily with his/her walking stick. The funeral lily pinned to his/her lapel is gilded, as are all of his/her teeth -- guess he/she was trying to take it with him/her. One-time
Fight the skeleton This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
a cattle baron's skeleton
XP (kill)
15 - 16
gilded lily
1 of
1 - 5 gold tooth
Tiny undead.png
Before you can react to the sudden howling, a ghost train surges over a hill and roars past, just missing you. Three skeleton train robbers arrive just behind it, and barely avoid colliding with you by pulling back hard on their reins.

The train vanishes in the distance, and the robbers seem really annoyed by your interference.

Attack them This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
a skeletal train robber
a skeletal train robber
a skeletal train robber
XP (kill)
15 - 16
2 of
50% chance of gold tooth
Tiny snake.png
You hear a rattling noise behind you, another rattling noise off to your left, and a third rattling noise from somewhere ahead.

You conclude that you've either stumbled into a nest of babies or a nest of rattlers.

A quick glance confirms that it's the latter. Not unexpectedly, really. This is no place for babies.

Fight them
Bad guys
a wrathful rattlesnake
a wrathful rattlesnake
a wrathful rattlesnake
XP (kill)
15 - 16
1 of
Snake Oilers only
Venom: 1 - 2
Medicine: 1 - 2
rattlesnake skin
Tiny elv.png
Your transponder gizmo bleeps, and you follow the bleeps to one of those weird El Vibrato machines, tromping around in the desert. Fortunately, it either hasn't noticed you or doesn't care. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone
    continue travel
Attack it
Bad guys
an El Vibrato construct
XP (kill)
15 - 16
1 - 2 El Vibrato scraps