Old Mission

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The Old Mission
East of the Mountains
Unlocked by

Old mission is a broken down, but still functional church. Outside you can find a tuna cactus (requires Foragin' 2).


Inside the church are various nuns, pews, and other church decor. You can find Sister Mary (on the left), who will tell you the 3 Holy Relics were stolen, and gives you permission to go into the catacombs to retrieve them. After retrieving all the Holy Relics, Sister Mary will reward you with a class-specific item:

Note that touching the pulpit while cowrrupted will give you the (negative) effect Divine Disapproval.

Catacombs 1

Bonepile1.png Accessing the deeper level This fight counts as an undead fight with value 2
Bad guys
a skeleton with 2 skulls
XP (kill)
15 - 16
XP (whisper)
30 - 32
1-3 skeleton bone
Alcove skull.png The 2nd alcove
Bad guys
spooky floating skull
XP (kill)
15 - 16
gold tooth
Skullpile1.png The pile of skulls
Bad guys
5 x spooky floating skull
XP (kill)
75 - 80
2 - 3 skull chips
2 - 3 handfuls of loose teeth

The first level of the catacombs contains a number of skeletal combats:

Among the various skulls and alcoves you can also find a few items

If you have the skull with an odd tag on it, you can put it into the fifth alcove, giving you 10xp.

Catacombs 2

Saint Pope This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
Saint Pope
XP (kill)
60 - 66
pope's pelvis
fake Pope hat
Santa Cortada This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
Santa Cortada's skull
Santa Cortada's right armbone
Santa Cortada's rib cage
Santa Cortada's left armbone
Santa Cortada's right legbone
Santa Cortada's pelvis
Santa Cortada's left legbone
XP (kill)
60 - 66
Santa Cortada's skull
Santa Cortada's ring
WoL Saint Beefus.png Saint Beefus This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
Saint Beefus
XP (kill)
60 - 66
St. Beefus' finger
St. Beefus' thigh

In the lower level of the catacombs you have will find 3 boss fights, each providing one of the missing relics.

A clue for the Necromancer Journal can be found by investigating the trash in the right corner.


  • There is a suspicious empty coffin once you go into the catacombs. If you come back and ask Sister Mary about it she will tell you it belonged to an escape artist. If you finish the mission before asking about the coffin it becomes impossible to find this out in that play-through (although it is just trivia, and has no impact on the game itself).