Uncursing machine

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the uncursing machine

The uncursing machine can be found in the back room of Murray's Antique Store, on Plunkett Street. It was built by Charles Wallace, but he has no understanding of its inner workings.

According to Jessica, the machine needs a mind to guide the uncursing process. Lifting the curse requires both you, as the player character and the machine. Together you'll lift the curse from the item and transform it into a sort of allegorical dreamspace that the machine can transfix.

The uncursing machine uses your subconscious mind to drive a wedge between an item and its curse. The item is cleansed relatively easily, but that doesn't negate the curse fully.

Once separated from the item, the machine stores the curse and allows you to psychically project into it to try and resolve the metaphorical scenario at the core of its existence. This upgrades the item.

If you uncurse more than one item without finishing the process via the item's encounter, the uncursing machine will start to smoke, and its description will read "Evidently the uncursing machine wasn't built to store this many curses." The smoke will get more intense with every unresolved item added to it, but it will never break, and you can return to finish the encounters later.

Cursed item Source Encounter Uncursed item
terribly cursed fedora The Watchful Eye Office, Prologue The Fedora's Curse uncursed fedora
dangerous pocketwatch Refrigerator Factory, Chapter 1 The Watch's Curse uncursed pocketwatch
cursed compass Crystaldream Lake Lighthouse, Chapter 2 The Compass' Curse uncursed compass
Librum Umbra Malum Ovilla S.I.T. Library Stacks, Chapter 3 The Book's Curse 101 Delicious Mutton Recipes
cursed key Gatorman Fortress, Chapter 4 The Key's Curse uncursed key
cursed sickle The Oil Baron's Refinery, Chapter 5 The Sickle's Curse uncursed sickle
cursed haunted duck call (optional) Dropping the haunted duck call into the The H***hole The Duck Call's Curse haunted duck call
cursed fishing rod (optional) River Bridge, S.I.T. The Fishing Rod's Curse accursed fishing rod