cursed compass

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Icon cursedcompass.png
cursed compass
Crystaldream Lake

This compass always points toward the evil version of north.

This should not be followed
Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From


If you equip the compass while it is still cursed, while wandering you get messages like:

  • "The jerks and twitches of the cursed compass direct you west and westnorth through the alleys of Ocean City, to the final resting place of a blood-red sedan, its chassis curved around a fire hydrant. The engine's still running, and the doors are open, but there's no sign of the driver."
    Just a thump-thump-thump from the luggage trunk strapped to the back of the vehicle.
  • "The cursed compass pulls your focus to the southeast. Or is it south-south-east? So fixated are you on the needle's subtle movements you hardly notice the compass has walked you into traffic."
    The truck swerves to avoid you. In doing so, a crate tumbles off the back and crushes a passing goose.
    The contents of that box belong to the goose, now -- if you put any stock in geese mythology. The goose must take whatever goods it is buried with to pay its way into the underworld.

These lead to choices to either leave the scene, or investigate.