Greta's Compassionate Pet Store

From Wiki of Loathing
(Redirected from Grady's Live Bait)
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Greta's Compassionate Pet Store
Crystaldream Lake
Unlocked by

Greta's Compassionate Pet Store now stands where the former Grady's Live Bait shop used to. As you wander around the Crystaldream Lake area, you catch a whiff of dog food...


You can help Grady (in the past) stock up on worms.

You can now buy a worm familiar from Greta as well. Ew.




The shop is quite small and occupied by the owner and her cat, Dottie. Initially, Dottie is described as scrawny and there seem to be no mice for her to eat.

Greta doesn't sell many pets, but you can purchase three:

Grady's Live Bait (outside)

  • A worm for Grady, once you offer to help him.

Grady's Live Bait

  • You can disarm the mouse trap. Grady resets it.
  • Disarm it again with 4ish Moxie. Doing so leaves mice for Dottie to eat, making the once scrawny cat into a fat, happy cat in the future. You can then pet her to get Dottie's Boon (+1 Moxie).
  • A fence to paint.
  • Insectologist: grab some stylish gel (3)

