West of Loathing wander events/Region D

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Region D: North West Encounters

Location Discovery

Encounter Text Location Unlocked
As you're riding along the train, a wisp of smoke draws your attention to a devastated ranch. Like, really devastated. Worse than most of the ranches around here, which are, on average, pretty messed up. Alexandria Ranch
Your transponder beeps, indicating a spot on the horizon. You spur <horsename> towards it to investigate, and find... a well. Just a well. Curious Abandoned Well
Your transponder beeps, indicating an ordinary-looking copse of trees just over the next ridge. Curious Copse
You see a partly-burned military signpost off the side of the trail. It says "FORT TREASON --->," but the part that says how far away it is is burned off. You ride in the direction of the arrow for about forty feet, and see the fort. Apparently it was forty feet away. Fort Treason
You notice a chill in the air, and suddenly realize you've lost track of where you are. <Horsename> seems spooked, and you can't say you blame him/her. You spot what looks like a town in the hazy distance, but it turns out to be a hazy town, fairly close. A mostly-transparent sign reads "WELCOME TO GHOSTWOOD." Ghostwood
You see a wooden sign off the side of the trail that reads "JUMBLENECK MINE (4 MILES) ---->." It's weird that they put a period on the sign. And it's weird that they bothered to carve individual hyphens and a greater-than sign instead of just carving an arrow in it. Jumbleneck Mine
You see a hillside dotted with perfectly regular rows of military tombstones. It must be pretty old -- it doesn't bear any of the hallmarks of the hastily-dug mass graves the army resorted to after The Cows Came Home. Military Cemetery

Non-Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Options
Tiny special.png
<horsename> suddenly gets spooked by something off the side of the trail, and it's easy to understand why -- there's a horse skeleton in the ditch, which is a thing that's probably extra spooky if you're a horse. 3rd encounter in region D, not in Hard Mode
Tiny forage.png
Off to the side of the trail, you spot a little cluster of gin blossoms. It's strange to see them growing so far away from Allison Road, which is their native habitat. Repeatable
Tiny forage.png
You spot a tombstone nestled into some pines near the trail. You dismount and approach it.

You can't read the inscription because it's covered with pepperoni mold.

Tiny forage.png
You catch a whiff of ozone and abruptly pull the e-brake. <horsename> screeches to a halt.

You hop down and sniff out its source -- a Shockweed plant!

These things are really valuable, but they're hard to pick.

Tiny nc.png
You spot a horse skeleton lying a few yards off the side of the trail. You tie <horsename> to a tree just out of sight of it (no sense in scaring him/her) and investigate. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You find an abandoned crate on the side of the trail, addressed to Fort Treason. I guess whoever was in charge of delivering it figured, well, screw those guys. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You notice an old crate off to the side of the trail. It looks like it's been there for a while, since weeds and/or cactuses have grown up around it, depending on where you got this random event. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You happen across an unexpected crate. By 'unexpected' I'm referring to its location, not its condition, which is 'nailed shut'. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
There's an open grave here, which is a little weird. Maybe they forgot to bring the body, and had to go back to get it? Man, I bet that would be really embarrassing. Repeatable
Tiny elv.png
Your El Vibrato transponder thingy bleeps, and you follow the bleeps to a shallow cave that you think might be a bear den? Fortunately, the bear isn't in it right now, and you find a weird crate at the back. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
Tiny nc.png
A faint wispy light at the side of the road resolves into a sad-looking ghost as you pass. Unable to speak, it just makes sad "wooooo" noises and gestures to its roadside graves-marker, which has fallen over. For some reason, it's a huge millstone. Repeatable
  • Stand it back up [Muscle 20]
    gain 30 - 32 XP
  • Good luck with that, ghost.
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
An odd bit of wood on the ground catches your eye, and on closer examination it appears to the the corner of an old wooden box mostly buried in the ground. Repeatable
  • Haul it up! [Muscle 20]
    gain 30 - 32 XP
  • It's probably just full of sour grapes.
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You encounter a man who, for some reason, has set up three wooden posts sticking out of the ground, with the first one encircled by a pyramidal stack of differently-sized stone rings. The man is looking at the stones and scratching his head. When he sees you, he asks if you'd mind helping him move the stones to the third post. Repeatable
  • Tell him what you think of his stone rings [Mysticality 20]
    gain 30 - 32 XP
  • Leave immediately
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Off the trail's shoulder, you see some ancient petroglyphs carved into a rock. Repeatable
  • Translate them [Mysticality 20]
    learn petroglyph clue 4: My fourth is the fourth of nothing but time.
    + gain 30 - 32 XP
  • Ignore them
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
As you're riding along, you randomly think about how sometimes one cowpoke will shoot at another cowpoke's feet and yell "Dance!" and how it's usually a situation where the first cowpoke is being mean or threatening. But then you idly wonder if a fella/gal could do something similar, except shooting at his/her own feet, if he/she were a good enough shot and/or a good enough dancer. Repeatable
  • Give it a try [Moxie 20]
    gain 30 - 32 XP
  • Stop daydreaming
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Since your horse is smart enough to automatically follow the trail without much micromanagement, you have some time on your hands. This might be an opportune chance to practice those sweet pistol-spinning moves the big-name gunfighters use. Every shootout could use a little extra razzle-dazzle. Repeatable
  • Bust those sweet moves [Moxie 20]
    gain 30 - 32 XP
  • Mmmmaybe not
    continue travel

Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Non-Combat Options Combat Option
Tiny bandit.png
You spot a guy riding down the road on a brown horse, wearing a brown fur hat, and carrying a brown shopping bag with a brown loaf of stolen bread sticking out the top. (You can tell it's stolen, because the bag has a little picture of a loaf of bread on it.)

He rides up and brandishes a great big loaf of bread at you.

Fight him
Bad guys
a big tough bandit
XP (kill)
30 - 32
hard loaf
Tiny bandit.png
Argh! Grblah! Aieee!

A ranting, flailing man that has just burst out of the woods and is running straight for you. He's wearing a strange dome-shaped metal hat, which bristles with wires and odd protrusions that crackle intermittently with bright blue sparks.

He seems... upset?

Fight this crazy guy
Bad guys
a strangely-helmeted lunatic
XP (kill)
30 - 32
crazy electric helmet
Tiny bandit.png
Hold it right there.

A bandit steps out of the bushes at the side of the road. He's pretty raggedy, but also extremely burly -- like a scarecrow stuffed with footballs. He hefts a pistol that could be described as a "hand cannon" without getting metaphorical.

Gimme yer dough. Uh, or else.

Fight him
Bad guys
a Breadwood highwayman
XP (kill)
30 - 32
intimidating sixgun
Tiny cow.png
As <horsename> carefully navigates a bunch of weird rock formations, everything suddenly goes silent.

Everything except the racing of your pulse, that is, because you've stumbled across a horrifying ungulith!

Attack! This fight counts as a cow fight with value 4
Bad guys
an ungulith
XP (kill)
30 - 32
ungulith horn
1-2 of
Tiny cow.png
You see a flash of light in a dark copse of trees off to the side of the trail, and smell the tang of ozone.

Three electrified cow skulls float out of the woods and surround you.

Attack them This fight counts as a cow fight with value 4
Bad guys
an electrified cow skull
an electrified cow skull
an electrified cow skull
XP (kill)
30 - 32
cow fangs
1 of
Tiny goblin.png
There's a goblin standing off to one side of the trail, just staring up at the sky. They don't even seem to notice you approaching. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a goblin moon weirdo
XP (kill)
30 - 32
moon bits
Tiny goblin.png
You encounter a goblin chef out harvesting produce. By which I mean "knocking lumps off a cactus". It gives you some real side-eye when it sees you. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a goblin chef
XP (kill)
30 - 32
kitchen pants
Tiny goblin.png
A goblin is wandering along the path, muttering and ranting out loud to itself. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a foul-mouthed goblin
XP (kill)
30 - 32
Breadwood cheat sheet
Tiny skeleton.png
A clacking, hissing sound draws your attention to a skeleton limping out of the shadows. He/She's wearing the dry-rotted tatters of an old army jacket, and is so full of bullet-holes that he/she's more a skeleton-shaped cloud of hovering bone splinters than a skeleton. He/She must have what they call "true grit". One-time
Fight him/her This fight counts as an undead fight with value 4
Bad guys
a shot-to-Hell skeleton
XP (kill)
30 - 32
coccyx with a hole in it
2 - 3 skull chips
Tiny skeleton.png
Well, here's a thing out of nightmares. Maybe not your nightmares specifically, but definitely someone's: a human skeleton scuttling toward you, crackling with blue electricity and making a loud hissing noise that sounds like a cross between a nest of angry rattlesnakes and a broken radio. One-time
Fight 'em This fight counts as an undead fight with value 4
Bad guys
an electrified skeleton
XP (kill)
30 - 32
vibrating scapula
Tiny skeleton.png
You hear the crack of a rifle, and a lead bee buzzes past your ear. (I call bullets "lead bees" sometimes.)

Off in the distance, you see a skeleton with a rifle. It looks like he/she's lining up another shot.

Fight 'em This fight counts as an undead fight with value 4
Bad guys
a skeletal rifleman
XP (kill)
30 - 32
antique rangefinder
Tiny undead.png
A ghostly spectre in the form of an old, wild-haired man shambles toward you, muttering. Repeatable [Pale Horse]
Fight it This fight counts as an undead fight with value 4
Bad guys
a drunk ghost
XP (kill)
30 - 32
bit of ectoplasm
Tiny skeleton.png
You pass by two skeletons, who are facing each other with their arms akimbo in the traditional shootout staredown pose.

When you stop to watch what happens, they both turn to look at you. Whoops.

Fight them This fight counts as an undead fight with value 4
Bad guys
a skeletal rifleman
a skeletal rifleman
XP (kill)
30 - 32
2-3 of
50% chance of gold tooth
Tiny snake.png
You hear the crackle of a north-south-western lightning snake! Too bad you don't have a forked lightning rod with you.

... Wait, that wouldn't work at all, would it?

Fight it anyway
Bad guys
an electrified snake
XP (kill)
30 - 32
1-2 of
Snake Oilers only
Venom: 2 - 3
Medicine: 2 - 3
electric snakeskin
Tiny elv.png
Your transponder bleeps, and the signal leads to one of those El Vibrato robots, which is basically just doing aimless doughnuts around a forest clearing. Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone
    continue travel
Approach it
Bad guys
an El Vibrato construct
XP (kill)
30 - 32
2 - 3 El Vibrato scraps
30% chance of El Vibrato battery
20% chance of El Vibrato keystone