Military Cemetery

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Military Cemetery
West of the Mountains
Unlocked by

This location is part of the quest to stop skeletons received from the mayor of Breadwood. It has three locations of note: The Burial Plots, The Eternal Flame, and The Caretaker's Shanty; you can also find a shovel here.

The most interesting location is the burial plots, where you can explore 999 different burial plots to dig up, and encounter an exciting puzzle.

The Eternal Flame

Fight Goblinhead tinyhat.png
Bad guys
a goblin chef
XP (kill)
40 - 43
3 goblin bratwurst

Here you find a goblin roasting a hot dog over the flame. You can deal with their blasphemy in a few ways:

The Burial Plots

While a few graves are special, such as for the puzzle, most graves contain either treasure or a combatant. There are 3 kinds of treasure, and 9 kinds of enemy you may find. Note that digging up a grave containing an enemy or treasure requires a shovel, and if it's a treasure location this can cause damage to your shovel as well (50% of the time), and after 3 - 4 shovel damage is accumulated it breaks.

A toughest opponent This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
a skeletal cavalry officer
a skeletal army Beanslinger
a skeletal cannoneer
XP (kill)
70 - 73
1-5 of
rifleman's helmet1
A tough opponent This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
a powerful skeletal cavalryman
a skeletal army Beanslinger
a skeletal cannoneer
XP (kill)
50 - 53
1-5 of
A weak opponent This fight counts as an undead fight with value 5
Bad guys
a skeletal cavalryman
a skeletal army Beanslinger
a skeletal cannoneer
XP (kill)
30 - 32
1-5 of

The Puzzle Plots

A reward and an ominous message.

Certain grave numbers are part of a complex puzzle. If you follow clues on the headstones of various plots, you will be lead along a sort of scavenger hunt through the various plots.

  • 11: The first puzzle plot. This puzzle involves translating a morse code message (... --- .-. .-. --- .--) , the solution is SORROW. It reveals the grave 37.
  • 37: Second puzzle plot. This puzzle involve converting numbers to letters based on their position in the alphabet (8, 21, 2, 18, 9, 19) the solution is HUBRIS It reveals the grave 111.
  • 111: Third puzzle plot. This puzzle involves shifting the alphabet such that A=N (EVHARQ). The solution is RUINED and it reveals the grave 230.
  • 230: Fourth puzzle plot. This puzzle involves reading every second letter of the epitaph (Beau to Ann Yem). The solution is EUONYM. It reveals grave 370.
  • 370: Fifth puzzle plot. This puzzle treats every letter as if the alphabet were backwards (DVWTVW). The solution is WEDGED. It reveals grave 690. Note: the name on the grave, Denis Lawson, is also the name of the actor who played the character Wedge in the original Star Wars trilogy.
  • 690: Sixth puzzle plot. This puzzle treats the listed times as Naval semaphore code (6:00 10:15 1:30 10:37 7:23 4:30). The solution is DYEING. It reveals the grave 11.
    • After you have solved all the above graves you will get a message at the next grave from the one you just finished. You will now find a rock which reads "LOL," but it says it's upside down. This is a clue to go to grave 707.
    • 707: The Final puzzle plot. This puzzle is a Metapuzzle you need to use the first letter of every puzzle solution you have found so far, in grave order, and assemble them into the final word (Sorrow Hubris Ruined Euonym Wedged Dyeing). The solution is SHREWD. Your reward is 1000 meat and an ominous note from Gen. Wisen Heimer. The note reads "You've not heard the last from me."
      • You can say another word at the grave, the clue for this is that if you say SHREWD again you get a message. The message reads "You wait around for a minute but nothing happens. You can't shake the feeling General Heimer hasn't had his last word, though."
      • Placing the answers in a grid and reading up the diagonal. Speaking GENIUS gets you a dream sequence.
      • The dream scrolls left to right; the rocks on the ground make a braille pattern spelling THE SECRET IS IN THE TREES.
      • The trees have the following pattern, where 0 denotes a short tree and 1 a tall tree: 01111 01111 00011 00001 00000 01111.
      • Using 0 for a dot and 1 for a dash, these translate to the morse digits 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1. Indexing into our original answer list lets us extract SHINED: (S)ORROW (H)UBRIS RU(I)NED EUO(N)YM WEDG(E)D (D)YEING
      • Speaking SHINED gets you a cool sapphire.