St. Polycarp's Cathedral

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St. Polycarp's Cathedral
Ocean City
Unlocked by

St. Polycarp's Cathedral can be found just east of Plunkett Street in Ocean City.


Inside, the vicar tells you an urn has been stolen from the catacomb beneath the cathedral.

  • Agree to help and head to the catacomb to investigate.
  • Check the guest book to learn one Captain Augustus Durch was a recent visitor and add his house to your map.
  • (Charles also signed the guest book, and you can ask him about it to obtain a Gargoyle charm. You can also sign the book yourself, though it has no effect on the game.)

Travel to Captain Durch's House. He refuses to let you in just yet.

  • Examine a stone toward the right and jot down the date written on it: 11/10/82.

Go to Plunkett Street.

Return to the Captain's house.

  • Ask him about the Porquod through the door, and he lets you in.
  • Have a conversation with the Captain to learn that he regularly talks to the urns, and they talk back.
  • Once he finishes talking and falls asleep, have fun speaking with the urns, then talk at the fifth one until it speaks up and asks for a pack of cigarettes.
  • Place the cigarettes on the table next to the urn and observe a man emerge from behind Durch's bookshelf, grab the cigarettes, and return to hiding.
  • Inspect the bookshelf; the first book a offhand item for you (How To Curse Like a Sailor), while the third book opens a secret passage.
  • Talk to the man hiding therein, who admits to stealing the cathedral's urn (Remember the cathedral? It's a quest about the cathedral) so the Captain can believe he's talking to his fifth sailor, whose remains were never discovered.
  • Agree to swap it out for another urn for the sake of Durch's peace of mind. (Scout's Honor: "I'll do it. For the captain.")

Travel back to St. Polycarp's.

  • Pop into the catacomb and retrieve a spare burial urn, because obviously they just have a whole box of them lying around.

Go to Durch's house once again.

  • Take the fifth urn, leaving the spare in its place.
  • Tell the guy in the secret room that it's done and receive his thanks.
  • You can now pet the Captain's cat, Ishmael, unlocking Ishmael's Boon for +1 Mysticality.

Finally, report to the vicar and give him the urn of cremains. He anoints you with holy water (Haunted: "Ouch! That burns a little!"), granting St. Polycarp's Forehead, a perk for +1 Muscle.



  • Hobo glyphs: with 3 Hobo Literacy, find "MEAT STASH, FOUTH TREE TO LEFT OF CHURCH, BACK ROW" on the left pillar in front of the building.
  • Find an old wallet in the bushes as hinted at above, but Hobo Literacy is not required to find.


Fishing in the font
handful of holy water


You can head downstairs after the bishop unlocks it for you:

Other Locations

With antique manhole opener, go beneath the catacomb to reach Fishman Casino.
