Scout's Honor

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Icon altruism.png
Scout's Honor
Motivation: Alturism

You believe that one good turn for another leaves the whole world kind.

You just love helping people


Class: all
Type: Perk

Acquired From

  • Talking to Ethel at The Nightingale Diner and choosing "I just really want to help" and then "Everybody who needs help deserves help."


Pick your character's motivation by choosing a perk from the Nightingale Diner. Choosing Scout's Honour will unlock some additional dialog options in some locations:

  • Say "Oh no, do you need any help?" instead of "What's the matter?" when talking to the vicar in St. Polycarp's Cathedral.
  • Say "Delighted to help, Crystal." instead of "I'll see what I can do." to Crystal.
  • Agree to help Grady in Greta's Compassionate Pet Store's past enthusiastically.
  • Promise the farmer in Borge House, "you don't have to worry about me" in regards to his daughter.
  • more...