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S.I.T. Robotechtronics Lab
Could be!
Portrait Simone Chekhov.png Nice kludge!

Simone Chekhov is a companion In Shadows over Loathing.


Simone is the daughter of Farmer Chekhov. She cares deeply about her craft, valuing her robots almost like kids or pets, and expressing disgust at engineers who don't put heart into their work.


You can only recruit her as potential companion by completing the entirety of the Robotic Course in S.I.T. (Robotechtronics Lab), including Extra Credits.


During wandering, she may run across parts that can upgrade her robotic friend Clarence in random stat or damage, or find parts that you can use to upgrade at the tinkering table.

She may also occasionally upgrade her existing weapon she currently possess for increased damage.


Clarence joins you in combat as long as Simone is with you. It attacks a random enemy for its Muscle in Hot Damage on its turn.

Simone's combat skills are:

  • Coil Discharge: Simone shoots 2 random enemies for her Mysticality in Physical Damage.
  • Solder: Sets the target On Fire for Simone's Muscle, or double that after her first vignette.
  • Chekhov's Rifle: Simone shoots the target for her Moxie in Physical Damage. Available after the second Vignette event if you retrieved the rifle.

Companion Vignettes

First vignette

In Gray County, Simone visits An Oil Derrick to investigate the machinery, hoping she can pick up some mechanical tricks.

  • Check out four pieces of equipment and a lunchbox.

Simone expresses disgust with the lack of care evident in the oil engineers' work, guessing they must be government contractors. Nonetheless, she learns enough to upgrade Coil Discharge.

Second vignette

In Ocean City, Simone excuses herself to visit her old home, Farmer Chekhov's House, to find the tools she forgotten to grab. During her visit, she tends to reminiscence about her childhood and on her old tools.

  • Run out to the barn and salvage Simone's Monster for parts. Clarence gets stronger.

You could try to get the rifle off the wall inside the house, but it's bolted to the wall with heptagon screws, and you don't have a heptagon driver handy.

  • Get a greasy crowbar from the barn.
  • Clean up the crowbar in the tub in the barn, making it a clean crowbar.
  • Solve the lock on your room.
  • Open the crate in your room; find a set of heptagon drivers.
  • Attempt to take the rifle and to unscrew the 7 Imperial millimeter heptagon screws. You've forgotten the unit conversion.
  • Look up the conversion on the units poster in your room.
  • Try the rifle again. You don't have the right size driver.
  • In the barn, move the painting of tools, revealing your old tool safe.
  • Try to open the safe. You've forgotten the combination.
  • Ask Clarence about the safe combination.
  • Open the safe and grind one of your drivers down to a 7 Imperial millimeter heptagon driver.
  • Back in the house, finally get the rifle down from the wall.

Simone learns a new skill, Chekhov's Rifle, and is ready to meet up with your character again. She's now able to save the world in the Epilogue.

You can also do a few things that seem to have no effect:

  • Get a needle from the haystack in the barn. For old times' sake.
  • Clean up your workstation in your room.
  • Search your nightstand.


  • When speaking to Wendelin in Gray County about The Doll Maker Gilmore, he says that machines shouldn't have faces, this offends Simone who answers with a Hmph!