S.I.T. (Spiders Classroom)

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S.I.T. (Spiders Classroom)
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham
S.I.T. (Scalar Wing)
Unlocked by
Choosing a Spiders elective at S.I.T. (Admissions Office)

Enter the S.I.T. Spiders Classroom to find you somehow signed up to teach this class, not take it.


This is part of the main quest if you signed up for a Spiders elective.

  • In the back room, examine the shelf and learn that someone named Jerry owes a bag of spider chow.
  • Pop over to Hilbert House and get a bag of spider kibble from room 1C. Try to ignore the fact that spiders usually only eat bugs.
  • Return to the Applied Spiders Lab and pour the spider chow into the food trough.
  • Fiddle with the big console on the left and fight spiders to your heart's content. You need to get three bits of combat experience (here or elsewhere, now or previously) to complete the class:
  • Go to the lectern in the Spiders Classroom and share your battle-earned knowledge with the students.

Since you're the teacher, you then sign your own transcript.


Applied Spiders Lab

A spider control console. Using it prompts you to select three times from the list:

Then you pick one advantage to help you out:

  • Pheromonal Decoy: Add a decoy with 30 HP to your side of the fight. It does nothing other than take hits.
  • Prophylactic Blood Transfusion: You have 15 extra HP.
  • Well-Armed Graduate Assistant: A beleaguered graduate student joins you in the fight. They have 19 HP, 8/6/4 stats, and two attack options:
    • Whack Spider for 12 Physical Damage (Muscle + 4).
    • Prod Spider for 10 (Mysticality + 4) Physical Damage and reduce target's stats by 3.
  • Prototype Growth Serum: Get +3 to all stats and −15 maximum HP.

Exploit?: The blood transfusion and growth serum effects disappear when you win or lose a fight in this room. However, if you choose one, then back out instead of fighting, you can keep either or both effects as you travel.