Păpuşășcu Homestead

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Păpuşășcu Homestead
Gray County
Unlocked by

The Păpuşășcu Homestead, now Black Gold Mine, is one of many onetime homes destroyed by the oil industry.


Don Toblerone needs you to get rid of the vampires here.

  • Enter the trailer on the right.
  • Read the logbook on the left. The fourth entry (March 8, 1917) allows you to find the mine entrance.
  • Head back out, examine the ruins of the house, and go down the ladder.

You can defeat the vampires in a fight. There are five enemies dealing lots of Physical Damage.

If you want a peaceful resolution instead:

  • Read the inscription on the engagement ring from the jacket in the locker in the trailer.
  • Ask the vampires about Henry and about life down here.
  • Keep trying conversation options, and finally just start being honest.
  • Hand over the engagement ring. The vampires take a vacation for a while.

Check out the cavern for some meat, an item, and a hobo. Collect your payment briefcase back in your room.





Uh oh. And that's putting it mildly.
Vampire Conjuror
Improved Vampire Thrall
Improved Vampire Thrall
Improved Vampire Thrall
Wealthy but still Unsophisticated Vampire
XP (kill)



March 5, 1917

"Oh boy it's my first day as a drilling site supervisor, and I can't wait to prove myself! I'm gonna work hard to establish myself as a real up-and-comer, and then once my career is secure maybe I'll have the confidence to pop the question to Clara. You know, the marriage question. Anyway, the crew has the derrick set up and we're turning the drill on tomorrow morning. Seems like former owners of the house have cleared out already -- they yelled a lot of angry-sounding foreign words at us yesterday, but they were gone when I got here this morning. I kinda feel bad, but that's progress!"

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March 6, 1917

"So we started drilling, and hit a big air pocket near the surface. Is 'hit' the right word? Can you hit air? Anyway, it's probably just a random little cave. We lowered a couple guys down with lamps to check it out.

In unrelated news, I heard a big explosion from just west of here. I checked the maps and whatever's over there, it's not a HELCO facility. I guess I'll just have to read about it in the paper tomorrow."

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March 7, 1917

"Turns out the cave we drilled into is an old gold mine. Go figure! When we strike oil it'll be a black gold mine, haha! I should write that down! Oh wait, I just did. Anyways, we can't find any record of it in the geological surveys, and we can't find the entrance either. I guess it must've caved in years ago. I set the crew to digging a proper shaft down -- they're starting in the root cellar of the house, because it's slightly lower than ground level and they get paid by the hour, not the foot."

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March 8, 1917

"One of the crewmen was trying to get a closer look at some magazines he found hidden in the attic of the house, and the carbide lamp on his helmet started a fire that torched the whole place. Nobody was hurt, fortunately -- what a mark on my record that would've been! After the fire went out we cleared a path down to the shaft and put a trap door over it to keep the ashes and rubble out of the mine."

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March 9, 1917

"New orders from above -- Baron Hellstrom wants us to reconnoiter the mine. I guess that makes sense -- if there's any gold left in there, then hey! Free gold! But, every time someone goes exploring away from the ladder, they come back all pale and sickly-looking and freak out when they see the sun. You just can't find good help these days! Guess I'll have to do it myself. It can wait 'til Monday, though."

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March 12, 1917

"Had a really nice weekend -- super relaxing. I really needed that. Went on a date with Clara, and we had a great time. I think maybe she was hinting about getting married, too! Oh, jeez, what am I thinking -- this is a company logbook, not my diary. Anyway, it's time for me to go see what's in that old mine."

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March 13, 1917

"Back from the mine. It wasn't so bad down there, I don't get why the crewmen acted so weird. It's nice and dark down there, not all bright like it is up here all the time. It's really giving me a headache, to be honest. I made some friends down there, too. Great guys, they really understand me. I think I'll knock off early and go see if Clara is home. I just can't get her rosy pink cheeks out of my mind."

That's the last entry