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An Workbench can be used to make combat items.

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There are various ingredients you can turn into combat items. You can always craft basic recipes, and with anarchist's hardware, you can craft advanced recipes.

Base ingredient Basic Advanced
fustulent grulch nastybag
(Apply 5 Poison to an enemy)
(Do 5 Stench Damage to all enemies)
eldritch mist ectoplasmic nugget
(Do 5 Spooky Damage and reduce Moxie by 5)
scary bomb
(Do 5 Spooky Damage to all enemies)
sordid grease sleazewad
(Do 5 Sleaze Damage and reduce Moxie by 5)
grease bomb
(Do 5 Sleaze Damage to all enemies)
glowing ooze radioactive salve
(Restore 10 HP and cure Poison)
nuclear bomb
(Do 10 Physical Damage to all enemies)
powerful grit flesh spackle
(Restore 10 HP and cure Bleeding)
abrasive discus
(Reduce target's Physical Armor by 5)
stylish gel cool compress
(Heal for 10 and cure On Fire)
comfort bomb
(Heal all allies for 10 HP)
hematic ichor prefab scab
(Restore 10 HP (self only))
rapid transfuser
(Restore 15 HP to target)
phlogistic resin Molotov shot
(Sets an enemy On Fire for 5)
benzol bucket
(Deals 5 Hot Damage to all enemies)
frosty flakes slush ball
(Do 5 Cold Damage and reduce Muscle by 5)
ice bomb
(Deal 5 Cold Damage to all enemies)
impenetrable shellac stiffening compound
(Increase your Physical Armor by 5)
solvent spray
(Reduce all enemies' stats by 3)
energizing powder handmade pep pill
(Gain 2 AP)
vigor inhaler
Gain 3 AP and increase AP regen by 1)