West of Loathing wander events/Region G

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Region G: South Coastal Encounters

Location Discovery

Encounter Text Location Unlocked
You spot a distinct lack of mining activity in the distance, and ride closer to it to investigate. Yep. Sure enough, nobody's mining over here. Abandoned Mine
You see familiar outline of an army fort, and zag <horsename> toward it to investigate. The sign says "FORT UNNECESSARY." Fort Unnecessary
A big billboard off the side of the trail boldly proclaims that a nearby stand is your very last chance to get custard, because there is no custard available in the ocean. Last Custard Stand
You see a plume of smoke rising over the trees to the north of you. You nudge @horsename@ in that direction and find a cozy-looking cabin nestled in a copse of pines. The ground outside is sparkly and rainbow-tinted -- a telltale side-effect of the practice of the jeweler's trade! Jeweler's Cabin

Non-Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Options
Tiny forage.png
<horsename> gets a little skittish, and a few moments later you understand why -- a low, Nordic drone signals the existence of a nearby hive of Viking bees.

You hop down and follow your ears to the source.

Tiny forage.png
You slam on <horsename>'s brakes because you're pretty sure you just saw a floating banana.

When you hop down to investigate, it turns out it's not floating, but perched precariously atop a thin stalk.

Picking it could be risky.

Tiny forage.png
A flash of brilliant orange next to the trail catches your attention. You park <horsename> next to a rock and hop down to investigate.

It's a Frisco poppy! They used to grow everywhere around here, but they're pretty rare since The Cows Came Home. The cause and effect there is still kind of murky.

Tiny nc.png
Looks like you've found an abandoned crate of military supplies. Since it's addressed to Fort Unnecessary, perhaps the shippers took that to heart. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You find an abandoned crate full of mining supplies. You can tell it's full of mining supplies because it has "THIS CRATE IS FULL OF MINING SUPPLIES" stenciled on the side of it. Repeatable
Tiny nc.png
You find a rough wooden cross stuck in the ground, with the words "SOME JERK" carved in them. I guess it's a grave? Repeatable
Tiny elv.png
Your El Vibrato transponder leads you toward a small cave. You park <horsename> outside and step in to investigate.

In the back of the cave, there's one of those big monoliths. It's dark. Inactive. Not turned on.

Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
Tiny nc.png
You come upon a covered wagon belonging to a newlywed couple heading west. It looks like one of their wagon wheels has broken, and though they have a spare, it was the heavy corner of the wagon and they don't have any way to lever it up to get the replacement on. Repeatable
  • Stop and help them out [Muscle 35]
    gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Wish them luck
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You hear a shout in the distance behind you, and a thunder of hooves. A riderless horse is racing toward you, reins flapping. Repeatable
  • Grab the reins [Muscle 35]
    gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Watch it go
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You come to a fork in the road. A pair of twins are standing near a sign that says "WARNING: VICIOUS BEARS". You ask the guys which path is safe, and they say they'd be glad to tell you, but one of them always lies, and the other always tells the truth. Repeatable
  • Solve this tricky riddle [Mysticality 35]
    gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Leave and find a less annoying path
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Off the trail's shoulder, you see some ancient petroglyphs carved into a rock. Repeatable
  • Translate them [Mysticality 35]
    learn petroglyph clue 7: My seventh’s the seventh of guardian stone.
    + gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Ignore them
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
Riding along the trail, you pass two cowboys who are shooting craps. By which I mean, they're having a contest to see whose horse can crap the farthest. Repeatable
  • Ride away coolly and nonchalantly [Moxie 35]
    gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Ride away disgusted and shaking your head
    continue travel
Tiny nc.png
You come to a treacherous canyon. Fortunately, someone has thoughtfully provided a log for you to cross on. Unfortunately, it isn't as wide as your horse. Repeatable
  • Carefully lead your horse across [Moxie 35]
    gain 60 - 63 XP
  • Find another way around.
    continue travel

Combat Events

Type Encounter Conditions Non-Combat Options Combat Option
Tiny bandit.png
A large man with a large hammer interrupts your journey by leaping out from behind a rock and shouting:

"You damn ghosts won't get me! I'll hammer you back into the grave where you belong!"

Oh no he won't
Bad guys
an insane construction worker
XP (kill)
60 - 63
25 - 35 meat
construction sledgehammer
Tiny bandit.png
A thin stream of smoke over the next hill indicates a nearby campfire, so you decide to check it out. It turns out instead to be a man strolling around nonchalantly. He's wearing a top hat, which is on fire. One-time
This is ridiculous. Let's just fight.
Bad guys
a burning man
XP (kill)
60 - 63
burning tophat
Tiny bandit.png
You ride past a woman who is running along the desert trail on foot... and although I say 'running', it's a slow run, with an odd loping gait. She's dressed oddly too -- no hat, just a thin strip of fabric tied across her forehead, light clothing, and strange soft-looking boots that barely even come up to her ankles. One-time
  • All right, I apologize.
    gain 50 - 53 XP
  • How about we see if you can catch me?
    continue travel
Bring it, goofy-shoes!
Bad guys
a bandit jogger
XP (kill)
60 - 63
running boots
Tiny cow.png
You're ambushed by a cow who was hiding behind a nearby billboard. Big billboard, big cow. Repeatable
Attack it This fight counts as a cow fight with value 7
Bad guys
a Frisco hellcow
XP (kill)
60 - 63
180 - 200 meat
2 of
2 of
30% chance of brass bull ring
infernal leather
Tiny cow.png
The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you realize you've ridden into the midst of a herd of ghostly floating cow heads.

You've heard that some ranchers, in a desperate effort to avoid the Homecoming, deliberately drove their entire herds into the ocean. If that's what happened here, it didn't work, and these cows are very angry about it.

Fight them This fight counts as a cow fight with value 7
Bad guys
ghost cow
ghost cow
ghost cow
XP (kill)
60 - 63
2 - 4 infernal soul fragment
Tiny goblin.png
A goblin suddenly runs up with an armload of driftwood and dumps it out in front of you. One-time
Attack the goblin
Fight them
Bad guys
a goblin driftwood sculptor
XP (kill)
60 - 63
driftwood sculpture (shield)
Tiny goblin.png
Off to one side of the trail, you spot a goblin digging in the sand with a little shovel and a pail. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a goblin clamdigger
XP (kill)
60 - 63
shiny abalone brooch
Tiny goblin.png
Several loud gunshots ring out as you round a large cluster of boulders, and you dive into cover. Peeking cautiously around the corner, you discover a goblin shooting a large pistol at a pile of nailed-together driftwood. One-time
Attack the goblin
Bad guys
a goblin driftwood sculptor
XP (kill)
60 - 63
sandalwood ring
Tiny skeleton.png
With a spooky combination of hissing, chattering, and clanking, an ancient skeleton rises out of the sand in front of you. He's wearing dented and rusted antique armor and a long handlebar mustache -- must be an ancient explorer or would-be conqueror. Hopefully the former, because he doesn't seem to have been much good at the latter. One-time
Fight 'em This fight counts as an undead fight with value 7
Bad guys
a conquistador's skeleton
XP (kill)
60 - 63
old Spanish sabatons
Tiny skeleton.png
An ancient, seaweed draped skeleton is shambling toward you, hissing and moaning.

Oh, huh. I guess we must be near the beach.

Fight 'em This fight counts as an undead fight with value 7
Bad guys
a seaweed-draped skeleton
XP (kill)
60 - 63
sea skull
Tiny skeleton.png
A gurgling hiss draws you attention to a nearby skeleton. Honestly just the fact that there was a skeleton here should've been enough to draw your attention, but I guess you're getting used to them. This one is wearing rusted antique conquistador armor, caked with mud and rotting seaweed, and waving a waterlogged old blunderbuss at you. One-time
Fight him/her This fight counts as an undead fight with value 7
Bad guys
a conquistador dragoon skeleton
XP (kill)
60 - 63
muck-clogged blunderbuss
Tiny skeleton.png
An angry-looking skeleton with a mining pick is stalking you. I guess, now that I think about it, most skeletons are pretty angry-looking. Repeatable
Defend yourself This fight counts as an undead fight with value 7
Bad guys
a miner's skeleton
XP (kill)
60 - 63
2-3 of
40% chance of pickaxe
50% chance of unrefined meat nugget
Tiny undead.png
<horsename> wanders into a darker arroyo than you'd normally go to, and before long you find yourself lost.

From behind you, you hear an ominous tink tink tink ooooooooh, tink tink tink ooooooh.

You turn around to see the ghost of a miner, apparently frustrated that his ghostly pick can no longer find purchase and eager to take it out on you.

Repeatable [Pale Horse]
Approach it This fight counts as an undead fight with value 7
Bad guys
a ghost miner
XP (kill)
60 - 63
bit of ectoplasm
Tiny snake.png
You catch a glimpse of something colorful out of the corner of your eye and hop down to investigate it.

Before you know it, you're mesmerized by a scintillating rainbow of shiny, multicolored scales. A moment later, you realize you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Specifically, the book about how Frisco vipers trap their prey. Because you're surrounded by Frisco vipers.

  • Let <horsename> snap you out of it [Dark Horse]
    continue travel
  • Surrender
    gain Angry
Fight them
Bad guys
a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper
a Frisco viper
XP (kill)
60 - 63
1-3 of
Snake Oilers only
Venom: 3 - 4
Medicine: 3 - 4
Frisco viper skin
Tiny elv.png
The bleeping of your El Vibrato transponder leads you to a hulking robot, standing motionlessly out in the desert with a vulture perched on it.

The vulture quickly flaps away when the robot lights up and starts moving toward you.

Repeatable [El Vibrato transponder]
  • Leave it alone
    continue travel
Approach it
Bad guys
an El Vibrato construct
XP (kill)
60 - 63
2 - 3 El Vibrato scraps
10% chance of El Vibrato battery
20% chance of moon bits