Möbius ring

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Icon ring moebius.png
Möbius ring
Crystaldream Lake

This ring has only one side, so technically there's no difference between wearing it and not wearing it.

Helps you help yourself in combat
Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From

Curse of the Möbius ring

Main article: Delphine Farmhouse

By taking the Möbius ring, you become locked in a paradox, since you took the ring from your future self but find it impossible to give it to your past self. This is foreshadowed by your future self expressing frustration and regret for ever having used it.

You can break the curse by finding another time copy of the ring at Delphine Farmhouse in Gray County, then giving one to yourself in Crystaldream Lake. If you don't finish the Möbius ring quest before the Epilogue, you are stuck forever in the realm of shadows.