Destroying Authority With Music

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Destroying Authority With Music
Gray County

A banned book for subversive musicians.

Grants the skill: Drum Roll
Sell Value: 200 Meat


Cost: 150 XP
Effect: also +3 mox

Acquired From

When Used

You learn a drum riff that's too fast for some dumb conformist army to comfortably march to.

You got a skill: Drum Roll

There are a bunch of dexterity exercises in the back of the book, but they look like a lot of work. Wanna go through them?

(If you do, Drum Roll will also increase your Moxie by 3)

  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 150 XP.

You practice the drum until you're so angry at authority that you no longer even trust whoever wrote this book.

Drum Roll has been upgraded!

You burn the book in the public square. Nobody sees you, but it still makes you feel better.
