complicated S.I.T. textbook

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complicated S.I.T. textbook
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

The cover of this textbook should be painted sky blue with clouds on it, because it is way over your head.

Sell Value: 30 Meat

Acquired From

When used

You look at the first few pages of the book, and the only thing you learn is that you'd be better off selling this to a used bookstore than trying to comprehend any of it. You manage to get a decent chunk of change for it. You gain 102-159 Meat.


You can buy the books for ~172-198 meat from the S.I.T. wandering saleman. You can sell them at a loss normally, but with sufficient meat drop bonus you can make a profit.

Mad Libs

The textbook names are random Mad Libs, such as, "63.256: Intermediate Theoretical Science" or "28.789: Applied Particle Statics".