Big Heart

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Big Heart
Motivation: Family

You've got a big heart, which stores both a lot of love and a not insignificant amount of extra blood.

+3 Maximum HP


Class: all
Type: Perk

Acquired From

  • Talking to Ethel at The Nightingale Diner and choosing "I just really want to help" and then "He's family after all."


Pick your character's motivation by choosing a perk from the Nightingale Diner. Choosing Big Heart will unlock some additional dialog options in some locations:

  • Say "Anything for Uncle Murray" and "We've got to help him!" when first meeting Jessica.
  • Tell Rufus its awful that his sibling went missing and agree to help him more enthusiastically.
  • Tell the kids from Largemouth Bass & Sons that their family is worried sick.
  • Tell Grover how important family is after reading the miner's journal (bugged).
  • Tell Sissy in the The Drexel Stead that brothers can be tricky.
  • In the final confrontation, tell Uncle Murray you didn't spend all this time looking for him just to lose him again.