miner's journal

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miner's journal
Crystaldream Lake
Quest item

A simple journal from a simpler time.

Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From

When used

Jan. 4 -- Opened a side passage into a new cave -- a real big one. Lots of nice crystal outcroppings, should be a real good haul. Also a bunch of big stone pillars -- they look like the kind you get when a stalactite and stalagmite touch and keep going, but those are most commonly limestone, and these don't look like any limestone I ever saw. Too red. Pretty creepy. Probably I oughta chisel one open and see if there's anything good in the middle.

Jan. 5 -- Brought my chisels today, but I don't know what I was thinkin'. Dripstone columns don't have anything special in the middle of them, that doesn't make any sense. Gathered some of the regular crystals instead. You know maybe tomorrow I will bust into one of those columns. Just to see, you know? There could be some really really good and shiny treasures inside.

Jan. 6 -- I am 100% certain there are no treasures inside those pillars. I don't even remember writing that last bit of yesterday's entry. And that is why I, Ezekiel Pixley, am definitely going to open up all of those pillars and claim their incredible treasures all for myself, first thing in the morning.

Jan. 7 -- Had my hammer and chisel all ready to go, and gave one of the columns a great big kiss. That kinda made me stop and wonder what I was doing. Read back through this diary again and decided to blast the tunnel closed and skip town. Get as far from here as I can. I'm leaving the diary in case anyone else finds the mine. Don't dig out those back tunnels unless you want the shinest, sexiest treasure you ever saw or my name ain't Ezekiel Pixley, which it is, it's completely me writing this, go ahead and open the tunnels, it's fine.



Notes in the source code from the developers:

  • //r: Here's the note I left myself before this place was really designed. -Z
  • //note: spooky story about having to close up the mine and pretend that side shaft never worked. he gets mind controlled by a weird rock and says he's gotta skip town. a date you can look up. give it back to Iola on day 5 for some XP, she's happy because now they know why grandpa zeke left and it wasn't because he was a deadbeat, it was because of a weird rock.
  • //r: The weird rocks eventually became vampires (because of erosion) and I don't know if the dad detail fits with Iola's whole deal. If there's something better for this to tie into as a little bonus contnet/XP on one of the heisters, feel free to tweak it. -Z
  • //gave it to Grover since he doesn't leave after you do his quest (also he lends it a slightly spooky little detail at the end it turned out)--r

Reading the journal gives the flag mine_readjournal but that is not referenced elsewhere in the script.