Advanced Vascular Anatomy

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Advanced Vascular Anatomy
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

This textbook is a comprehensive atlas of the human circulatory system. It even lists all of the campgrounds for white blood cells.

Grants a +Max HP perk
Grants the perk: Comprehensively Veined
Sell Value: 30 Meat

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When Used

The book is full of diagrams of veins and arteries and a third kind of blood vessel you didn't even know about until now. It's complicated. It's gonna take some blood, sweat and tears to get through it.

Read it

XP You spend 50 XP.

You memorize all of the vein maps, and in doing so discover a bunch of extra blood in weird corners of your body.

You got a perk: Comprehensively Veined

You're so delighted by this that you throw the book up into the air, and a passing bird grabs it and flies away.

Enjoy, bird!