The Psychography of Panhandling

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The Psychography of Panhandling
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

An academic treatise on begging.

Grants a +Meat Drops perk
Sell Value: 0 Meat

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Even though its subject matter is complex, this book is written in such simple language that even a child hobo could understand it. Still, it's going to take an adult level of will power to actually finish the thing.

Read it for 50 XP:

You study the book until you've memorized a bunch of techniques for getting people to relinquish additional Meat.

You got a perk: Expert Panhandlery

You drop the book in one of SIT's pneumatic book-return chutes so it can be of some use to the next prospective hobo.

A rising balance lifts all ledgers