the Nachotic Manuscripts

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the Nachotic Manuscripts
Government Valley

Ancient, forbidden recipes handed down in secret from one Cheese Wizard to the next.

Sell Value: 0 Meat

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When used

The first ancient, stained recipe card is titled "Homestyle Nachos". At first it sounds like a fairly normal cheese nachos recipe, but at the end it says to serve them in a "human skull stretched and distended from maleficent knowledge", and to garnish with "omens and portents". Hmmm.

Your eyes twitch towards the next card. You want to read it, but you know you shouldn't.

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 2]

The second card is for a "Crossroads Quesadilla". The tortilla is made from "grave flour", from which context clues you take to mean bonemeal. And the cheese it recommends is "queso carcasadero". It doesn't elaborate on that.

Despite yourselve, you find your mouth watering.

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 3]

The next recipe is French -- a "soufflégme du fromage", also called "tourte de l'ectoplasme". It seems to describe a sweet cheese soufflé, but with a filling of bilious mucus squeezed from the souls of the damned.

Disgusting! Outrageous! But you're so hungry...

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 4]

The next recipe is "risotto di lamento", an Italian dish that calls for formaggio di carpa nero, vitreous humour, and , of course, risotto. The attendants who serve it must be screaming in agonized pain, and continue to scream throughout the course.

So delectable! So e n t i c i n g

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 5]

The last recipe is titled "The Emperor's Fondue". Your trembling finger traces the dense, spiderlike script... your eyes squint and sweat as you struggle to interpret the words... no... the forbidden ingredient... the forbidden cheese...
You wake up, lying on the floor. You remember nothing, but your soul remembers.

Find Forbidden Cheeselore


In Kingdom of Loathing, anticheese is the antimatter cheese formed in nuclear bomb testing.

See also