The King in Blue

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The King in Blue
Government Valley

Crumbling sheet music -- the forbidden score to a forbidden play. Madness awaits in the corners of its dark syncopations.

Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From

  • Find in the S.I.T. (Library) shadow rift as a Jazz Agent (requires level 2 shadow taint)

When used

The first piece has a time signature written in numbers you don't recognize. Your eyes cross a little bit. Your heart begins to beat in an irregular rhythm. It's frightening, but it's also strangely comforting.

you wonder what the next piece sounds like.

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 2]

This piece has a third clef, one you've never seen before. It's shaped like a pitchfork, and every note is sharp. Sharp enough to draw blood, and you didn't even have to touch it. You suck on your finger.

The next song must be even better.

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 3]

This piece is chaotic. A circle of fifths for each circle in Hell. All at once, syncopated, forward and backward. It's like if Bach wrote jazz while chained to the wall of an institution for the criminally insane.

What could possibly be next.

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 4]

These chords. They are diminished to the point of being their own reciprocals. No fingers could play these. The sounds don't even make sense. But you can hear them anyway, in the depths of your depraved imagination. They call to you.

What is the grand finale?

Keep reading [shadow taint lvl. 5]

Its... the notes you don't play. The notes you mustn't. All of them, all at the same time. The music of the spheres -- the spheres of a mad billiards game played between God and his opposite. In space, no one can hear this song. Good for them.

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