Shadows over Loathing save file

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Your Shadows over Loathing save file can be located at:

  • Windows: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Asymmetric Games, LLC\Shadows Over Loathing
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/com.AsymmetricGamesLLC.ShadowsOverLoathing/
  • Linux:

Quick access:

  • On Windows, Press “Win + R”, then enter "%appdata%", go back to the AppData folder and then open: LocalLow -> Asymmetric Games, LLC -> Shadows Over Loathing.
  • On Mac, Press "Cmd + Shift + G", then enter "~/Library/Application Support/com.AsymmetricGamesLLC.ShadowsOverLoathing/".

Inside the save folder there will be:

  • permaflags.json (saves data about which items you've found in previous prologue playthroughs, hats you've photographed, and other minor record keeping needed for achievements (eg. which S.I.T. majors you've completed).
  • save-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.json (for each character)

See also:

Boardwalk fishing

You can obtain any item in the game without having to copy its attributes into your save file.

Find and edit or add these flags:

  • "fished_day1_boardwalk_rightblocker"
    • Or day2, etc. according to the current day.
    • Enter a large negative value to bypass the 10/day limit.
  • "fishing_special_boardwalk_rightblocker"
    • Enter any number of item IDs, separated by commas. For example, this lets you fish up the missing Jazz Agent skill book and all fifteen Shadow Rift items:
"fishing_special_boardwalk_rightblocker": "book_jazz_poisonriff,accessory_shadowcoin,familiar_shadowbird,familiar_shadowrat,hat_shadow,misc_shadowchalice,misc_shadowegg,offhand_shadowapple,offhand_shadowmirror,pants_shadowshorts,ring_shadow1,shoes_shadowboots,weapon_shadowcandle,weapon_shadowhammer,weapon_shadowknife,weapon_shadowsyringe"

Some items' properties are normally adjusted when they're given. This gives you the in-code version of those items, or they may end up with tags like [property_foo] in their name.


  • On Steam, you may need to disable cloud Steam saves for Shadows over Loathing or it may overwrite your save file edits with the cloud data.
  • If you edit a save file while the game is running, it may overwrite your edits if you later interact with the game. I found it safest to exit to the main menu before editing your save file and then you can "Continue" from the main menu to reload your save data.