Shadows over Loathing save file/items and perks

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Some useful ones.

  • Mind your commas. Comma after every item or perk except the last.
  • Avoid duplicate keys, e.g. two items both labeled "11":
  • These items have been stripped of unneeded flags, like region, kevin, and anything with an empty or 0 value.


Cheating equipment

These aren't found in the game, but were constructed in a text editor.

The trout is an items-only fishing rod in addition to a weapon.

"3": { "name": "invisible hat", "slot": "hat", "category": "gear", "description": "Invisible hat.", "icon": "icon_fedora_uncursed", "important": "1", "id": "hat_cheating", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"4": { "name": "cheating trout", "slot": "weapon", "category": "gear", "description": "Sometimes you just want to win in one click.", "icon": "icon_trout", "backsprite": "weaponsprite_trout", "buttontext": "CHEAT!", "stat": "none", "basedamage": "420", "element": "cheating", "attackanim": "swing_fronthand", "attacktype": "cheating", "aoe": "420", "damageburst": "burst_whitedrops_many", "logmessage": "PLAYER cheats. Everyone dies.", "attacksound": "melee_attack_whiff", "attacksounddelay": "250", "hitsound": "splashes", "hitrumble": "splashes", "important": "1", "id": "weapon_cheating", "qty": "1", "bluetext": "Deals 420 Cheating Damage to all enemies", "combatscript": "attack_weapon", "fishing_odds": "item,item,item", "enchantments": { "fishingpole": "1", "id": "enchantments" } },
"5": { "name": "cheater's pants", "slot": "pants", "category": "gear", "description": "What appears to be a pair of white pants is actually a pair of brown pants that are completely covered in cheating.", "icon": "icon_pants_basic", "important": "1", "id": "pants_cheating", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "muscle": "15", "mysticality": "15", "moxie": "15", "physicalarmor": "50", "hotarmor": "50", "coldarmor": "50", "spookyarmor": "50", "stencharmor": "50", "sleazearmor": "50", "maxcombatitems": "50", "maxap": "50", "apregen": "50", "maxhp": "50", "hpregen": "50", "actearly": "1", "itembonus": "100", "id": "enchantments" } },
"6": { "name": "can of cheating", "slot": "food", "category": "consumable", "description": "Make you big", "icon": "icon_can3", "uselink": "Cheat", "usescript": "item_consume", "stackable": "1", "consumemessage": "You edit your save file so the can is already open, then chow down.", "consumebutton": "That's the way I roll", "effectname": "cheating food", "effectdescription": "You are big", "important": "1", "id": "food_cheating", "qty": "11", "enchantments": { "food_muscle": "15", "food_mysticality": "15", "food_moxie": "15", "food_physicalarmor": "50", "food_hotarmor": "50", "food_coldarmor": "50", "food_spookyarmor": "50", "food_stencharmor": "50", "food_sleazearmor": "50", "food_maxcombatitems": "50", "food_maxap": "50", "food_apregen": "50", "food_maxhp": "50", "food_hpregen": "50", "food_actearly": "1", "food_itembonus": "100", "id": "enchantments" } },
"7": { "name": "cheating formula", "slot": "potion", "category": "consumable", "description": "Make you big", "icon": "icon_testtube1", "uselink": "Cheat", "usescript": "item_consume", "stackable": "1", "consumemessage": "You throw away the tube of formula.\n\nWait, where'd that effect come from?", "consumebutton": "Wouldn't you like to know", "effectname": "cheating potion", "effectdescription": "You are big", "important": "1", "id": "potion_cheating", "qty": "11", "enchantments": { "potion_muscle": "15", "potion_mysticality": "15", "potion_moxie": "15", "potion_physicalarmor": "50", "potion_hotarmor": "50", "potion_coldarmor": "50", "potion_spookyarmor": "50", "potion_stencharmor": "50", "potion_sleazearmor": "50", "potion_maxcombatitems": "50", "potion_maxap": "50", "potion_apregen": "50", "potion_maxhp": "50", "potion_hpregen": "50", "potion_itembonus": "100", "id": "enchantments" } },
"8": { "name": "handful of shadow", "slot": "nothing", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Put it inside you.", "icon": "icon_shadowball", "uselink": "Inhale", "usescript": "item_consume", "shadow": "1", "stackable": "1", "consumemessage": "It enters you.  It becomes you.", "consumebutton": "Yes", "important": "1", "id": "misc_cheating_shadow", "qty": "23", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"9": { "name": "bank account", "slot": "nothing", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "You keep your savings in the safest place you can think of: your front pocket.", "icon": "icon_swamphaunch", "uselink": "Dispose", "usescript": "item_consume", "consumemessage": "You suddenly remember that being this rich is evil as hell, so you destroy the Meat.", "consumebutton": "Power to the people", "important": "1", "sellvalue": "69420", "id": "misc_cheating_meat", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },


"16": { "name": "shadow-closing pliers", "slot": "quest", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is a pair of pliers made out of some weird shiny metal.  Jessica assures you that the jaws come together at a special angle or something.", "icon": "icon_pliers_antishadow", "bluetext": "Use these to seal Shadow Pouches", "id": "quest_shadowpliers", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"17": { "name": "shadow-banishing ring", "slot": "ring", "category": "gear", "description": "This cheap hunk of costume jewelry will probably turn your finger green, but it also banishes shadow monsters, so it's probably worth it. Maybe they're allergic to zinc.", "icon": "icon_ring_antishadow", "bluetext": "Banishes wandering Shadow creatures", "important": "1", "id": "ring_antishadow", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"18": { "name": "shovel", "slot": "tools", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This device is called a shovel because of the way it shoves dirt out of the way and the fact that the guy who named it liked the letter L.", "icon": "icon_shovel", "sellvalue": "50", "bluetext": "For digging", "important": "1", "id": "shovel", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"19": { "name": "pick-axe", "slot": "tools", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A tool favored by miners for breaking rocks, removing hot dishes from ovens, trimming hedges, kneading dough, and catching baseballs.\r\n", "icon": "icon_pick", "stackable": "1", "important": "1", "id": "pickaxe", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"20": { "name": "handful of soapy water", "slot": "nothing", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Water and soap, pre-mixed for your invconvenience.", "icon": "icon_soapywater", "uselink": "splash it on your face", "usescript": "item_soapywater", "sellvalue": "1", "bluetext": "Cleans you up and makes you feel better", "stackable": "1", "id": "misc_soapywater", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"21": { "name": "fuse", "slot": "tools", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "It's weird that they call this a fuse when the whole point of it is for it to split apart if something goes wrong.", "icon": "icon_fuse", "bluetext": "Allows various electrical circuits to work properly", "stackable": "1", "id": "fuse", "storestock": "1", "qty": "37", "buyvalue": "10", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"22": { "name": "match", "slot": "tools", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A reliable, if expendable, source of a very small amount of fire.", "icon": "icon_match", "sellvalue": "5", "stackable": "1", "id": "match", "storestock": "1", "qty": "37", "buyvalue": "10", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"23": { "name": "wire coat hanger", "slot": "nothing", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "You're not sure why anybody would want to wear a coat made of wire, but whatever.", "icon": "icon_coathanger", "sellvalue": "1", "stackable": "1", "id": "coathanger", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },

Crafting ingredients

"24": { "name": "energizing powder", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is a natural energizing compound.  Nature speaks in mysterious ways, but not before it has had its coffee.", "icon": "icon_energypowder", "stackable": "1", "singular": "pile of energizing powder", "plural": "piles of energizing powder", "id": "crafting_ap", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"25": { "name": "impenetrable shellac", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Some shellac comes from insects, but if you don't know that it can come from basically anywhere.", "icon": "icon_shellac", "stackable": "1", "singular": "chunk of impenetrable shellac", "plural": "chunks of impenetrable shellac", "id": "crafting_armor", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"26": { "name": "frosty flakes", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "It's like snow, but in flake form.  Can you even imagine?", "icon": "icon_frostyflakes", "stackable": "1", "singular": "handful of frosty flakes", "plural": "handfuls of frosty flakes", "id": "crafting_cold", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"27": { "name": "phlogistic resin", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Of all the debunked theories of how fire works, this one is the one we've all agreed to pretend is true.", "icon": "icon_phlogresin", "stackable": "1", "singular": "glob of phlogistic resin", "plural": "globs of phlogistic resin", "id": "crafting_hot", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"28": { "name": "hematic ichor", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is just the good parts of some blood.", "icon": "icon_hematicichor", "stackable": "1", "singular": "blob of hematic ichor", "plural": "blobs of hematic ichor", "id": "crafting_hp", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"29": { "name": "stylish gel", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Wow, just look at it.  You'll never be as cool as this slime.", "icon": "icon_gel", "stackable": "1", "singular": "handful of stylish gel", "plural": "handfuls of stylish gel", "id": "crafting_moxie", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"30": { "name": "powerful grit", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Even though it's just an inert powder, you're still pretty sure it's going to bully you.", "icon": "icon_grit", "stackable": "1", "singular": "gram of powerful grit", "plural": "grams of powerful grit", "id": "crafting_muscle", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"31": { "name": "glowing ooze", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Glowing green goo.  Perhaps one day the world will be ready for the secret of it.", "icon": "icon_glowooze", "stackable": "1", "singular": "globule of glowing ooze", "plural": "globules of glowing ooze", "id": "crafting_mysticality", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"32": { "name": "sordid grease", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "You can tell that this was used for something horrible.", "icon": "icon_sleazegrease", "stackable": "1", "singular": "wad of sordid grease", "plural": "wads of sordid grease", "id": "crafting_sleaze", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"33": { "name": "eldritch mist", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "The world is full of vapors.  Most of them are benign, but some of them are terrifying.  This is the terrifying kind.", "icon": "icon_eldritchmist", "stackable": "1", "singular": "cloud of eldritch mist", "plural": "clouds of eldritch mist", "id": "crafting_spooky", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"34": { "name": "fustulent grulch", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is definitely the most fustulent of the grulches you're carrying around.", "icon": "icon_grulch", "stackable": "1", "singular": "mess of fustulent grulch", "plural": "messes of fustulent grulch", "id": "crafting_stench", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"35": { "name": "anarchist's hardware", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A collection of pipes and cannon fuse and... well, mostly just pipes and cannon fuse.  Anarchy is pretty straightforward.", "icon": "icon_anarchyhardware", "stackable": "1", "id": "crafting_combatbits", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"36": { "name": "mana-enriched flour", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Ever since the advent of mass-produced magical flour, the cost of fire insurance has skyrocketed.", "icon": "icon_manaflour", "stackable": "1", "id": "crafting_flour", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"37": { "name": "miscellaneous chemicals", "slot": "crafting", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Solutions, precipitates, tinctures?  You bet! We've got a little bit of everything here.", "icon": "icon_chemicals", "stackable": "1", "id": "crafting_reagent", "qty": "37", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },

Pig Skinner skill books

"38": { "name": "Celsius 212", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "The temperature at which leather shoes burn.", "icon": "icon_book3", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_hotfoot", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "pig_hotfoot", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_pig_hotfoot", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"39": { "name": "Field Manual PS706: Troop Morale Maintenance", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is an old Army manual that explains how yelling at people makes them better at stuff.", "icon": "icon_fieldmanual", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_cheerlead", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "pig_cheerlead", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+1 additional stat to everybody", "id": "book_pig_cheerlead", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"40": { "name": "Do-It-Yourself Sports Medicine", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A coach once won the Nobel Prize in football for his discovery that a copy of this book for each player was cheaper than hiring a team doctor.", "icon": "icon_book6", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_tapeup", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "50", "skill": "pig_tapeup", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+5 healing", "id": "book_pig_tapeup", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"41": { "name": "Chaos And Its Discontents", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A book of poems about sports, violence, and sports violence.", "icon": "icon_book2", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_freeforall", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "50", "skill": "pig_freeforall", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_pig_freeforall", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"42": { "name": "Complete Sports Almanac, 1880-1890", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "Oh wow, a sports almanac! With this, you can take advantage of time travel to place lots of bets on upcoming... wait... dammit.", "icon": "icon_book1", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_ballthrow", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "pig_ballthrow", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_pig_ballthrow", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"43": { "name": "A Treatise on a Treatise on Metareferentiality", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is not the greatest book ever written about metareferentiality, this is just a tribute.", "icon": "icon_book7", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_stophitting", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "pig_stophitting", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "3 extra damage", "id": "book_pig_stophitting", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"44": { "name": "Advanced Bullying Techniques", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "It's kinda surprising that somebody interested enough in these techniques to write them down would be literate enough to do so.", "icon": "icon_book4", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_noogie", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "pig_noogie", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "1 additional stat reduction", "id": "book_pig_noogie", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"45": { "name": "The Breeze In The Bristlecones", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A travelogue written by a botanist who specialized in high-altitude trees.", "icon": "icon_book6", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_secondwind", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "pig_secondwind", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "75% instead of half", "id": "book_pig_secondwind", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"46": { "name": "Kicking Things For Fun and Profit", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "There are a lot of reasons to kick something, and this book covers both of them.", "icon": "icon_book5", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_punt", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "pig_punt", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 stat and +2 reduce", "id": "book_pig_punt", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"47": { "name": "To Stretch Man", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A book full of diagrams describing the limits of human anatomy and how to unsafely exceed those limits.", "icon": "icon_book8", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_stretch", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "pig_stretch", "important": "1", "id": "book_pig_stretch", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"48": { "name": "How To Cheat At Sports", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This book describes techniques for throwing balls and swinging bats and rackets harder than the laws of physics technically allow.", "icon": "icon_book7", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_pig_windup", "sellvalue": "200", "upgradecost": "150", "skill": "pig_windup", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "also +3 muscle", "id": "book_pig_windup", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },

Cheese Wizard skill books

"49": { "name": "Cheeses I Have Smelt", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "One woman's tale of her travels and the many terrible cheeses she encountered on them.", "icon": "icon_book8", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_quesofustulento", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "cheese_quesofustulento", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_cheese_quesofustulento", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"50": { "name": "Field Manual CW401: Culinary Tactics", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This Cola Wars-era army manual ensured that even the soldiers whose entire job it was to feed people were still able to inflict casualties.", "icon": "icon_fieldmanual", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_missile", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "cheese_missile", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_cheese_missile", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"51": { "name": "Cooking For Health", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This cookbook's focus is healthy cheese recipes, guaranteed to fortify your arteries with rich, protective cholesterol.", "icon": "icon_book6", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_medicalmanchego", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "50", "skill": "cheese_medicalmanchego", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+5 healing", "id": "book_cheese_medicalmanchego", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"52": { "name": "The Melting Mind", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "You're not sure what kind of book this is.  Avant-garde social commentary?  Psychedelic research journal?  Total nonsense created by the random nighttime firings of your own neurons?", "icon": "icon_book7", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_mindmelt", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "cheese_mindmelt", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "also heal you for 5", "id": "book_cheese_mindmelt", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"53": { "name": "Cooking With Power Tools", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This book's thesis is that there isn't really much of a difference between a kitchen mixer and an electric drill.", "icon": "icon_book2", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_splatter", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "cheese_splatter", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "2 additional targets", "id": "book_cheese_splatter", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "150", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"54": { "name": "Spacetime's Rainbow", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "You've been meaning to read this one for a while, you just haven't gotten around to it.", "icon": "icon_book1", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_realityshift", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "cheese_realityshift", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 armor each", "id": "book_cheese_realityshift", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"55": { "name": "Sloppy Cooking For Huge Groups", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A cookbook for the modern, on-the-go slob, who doesn't have time for things like cleaning up or making sure your food doesn't hurt people.", "icon": "icon_book4", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_fondeluge", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "cheese_fondeluge", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "1 additional on fire", "id": "book_cheese_fondeluge", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"56": { "name": "Hard Rock, Soft Rock", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This is an index of all of the different types of rock there are, sorted by hardness.", "icon": "icon_book1", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_cheddarmor", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "cheese_cheddarmor", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "2 extra armor", "id": "book_cheese_cheddarmor", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"57": { "name": "Mascarpone's Monster or The Modern Provolone", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "An old-timey fantasy novel about a mad scientist and his doomed quest to create the perfect being out of cheese.", "icon": "icon_book2", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_cheezling", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "cheese_cheezling", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "cheezling is stronger", "id": "book_cheese_cheezling", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"58": { "name": "Bones And How To Crack Them", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A treatise on bone pain and how to maximize it in your victims.", "icon": "icon_book3", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_crackknuckles", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "cheese_crackknuckles", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "2 additional Myst", "id": "book_cheese_crackknuckles", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"59": { "name": "Anarchy Through Spirituality", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This book was written by an eco-terrorist as she drifted into a middle-aged flower child phase. ", "icon": "icon_book5", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_cheese_gatherchi", "sellvalue": "200", "upgradecost": "150", "skill": "cheese_gatherchi", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "also +3 myst", "id": "book_cheese_gatherchi", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },

Jazz Agent skill books

"60": { "name": "History's Worst Honking", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "An encyclopedia of annoying noises over the ages.", "icon": "icon_book4", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_sax", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "jazz_sax", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage per round", "id": "book_jazz_sax", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"61": { "name": "Field Manual JA227: Extraordinary Audition", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This book taught Cola Wars soldiers that although <i>words</i> can never hurt an enemy combatant, extremely loud orchestra noises definitely can.", "icon": "icon_fieldmanual", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_strike", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "jazz_strike", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage", "id": "book_jazz_strike", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"62": { "name": "Flute Music Is The Best Medicine", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "This book was published by the International Association of Flautists Who Are Not Doctors, and should absolutely not be taken as actual medical advice.", "icon": "icon_book3", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_flute", "sellvalue": "50", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "jazz_flute", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 healing per round", "id": "book_jazz_flute", "storestock": "1", "qty": "1", "buyvalue": "100", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"63": { "name": "Vibrations of the Netherzones", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "It's hard to tell what this book is about because it won't stop shaking.", "icon": "icon_book4", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_getinzone", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "jazz_getinzone", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 increase", "id": "book_jazz_getinzone", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"64": { "name": "Greta's Guide to Cross-Species Friendship", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A vanity-press manifesto about animal kindness.", "icon": "icon_book1", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_backup", "sellvalue": "75", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "jazz_backup", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "act an additional time", "id": "book_jazz_backup", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"65": { "name": "Harmonic Frequency Reference (90Hz - 180Hz)", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A handy reference manual if you find yourself needing to know the exact frequencies at which a narrow range of substances will vibrate.", "icon": "icon_book5", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_timpani", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "75", "skill": "jazz_timpani", "important": "1", "id": "book_jazz_timpani", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"66": { "name": "Piano Repair for Abject Imbeciles", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A remedial piano repair textbook.", "icon": "icon_book7", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_pianocrush", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "jazz_pianocrush", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+2 damage and +2 reduce", "id": "book_jazz_pianocrush", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"67": { "name": "Poisons from Arsenic to Zinc Oxide", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A dictionary of poisons, starting with one that vain Roman women put on their faces and ending with one that vain modern men put on their faces.", "icon": "icon_book8", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_poisonriff", "sellvalue": "100", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "jazz_poisonriff", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "5 extra poison", "id": "book_jazz_poisonriff", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"68": { "name": "Advanced Scowling", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A guide to productive frowning.", "icon": "icon_book5", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_gritteeth", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "50", "skill": "jazz_gritteeth", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+5 healing", "id": "book_jazz_gritteeth", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"69": { "name": "Making The Most Of Your Stabbings", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A knife-fighter's guide to maximizing the effect of each stab.", "icon": "icon_book6", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_knife", "sellvalue": "150", "upgradecost": "100", "skill": "jazz_knife", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "+10% damage", "id": "book_jazz_knife", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },
"70": { "name": "Destroying Authority With Music", "slot": "books", "category": "miscellaneous", "description": "A banned book for subversive musicians.", "icon": "icon_book2", "uselink": "read", "usescript": "item_book_jazz_drumroll", "sellvalue": "200", "upgradecost": "150", "skill": "jazz_drumroll", "important": "1", "bonusnote": "also +3 mox", "id": "book_jazz_drumroll", "qty": "1", "enchantments": { "id": "enchantments" } },



"motivation_family": { "name": "Big Heart", "description": "You've got a big heart, which stores both a lot of love and a not insignificant amount of extra blood.", "perk": "1", "maxhp": "3", "icon": "icon_backup", "id": "motivation_family", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_altruism": { "name": "Scout's Honor", "description": "You believe that one good turn for another leaves the whole world kind.", "perk": "1", "bluetext": "You just love helping people", "icon": "icon_altruism", "id": "motivation_altruism", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_checkeredpast3": { "name": "Checkered Past", "description": "Look out phone booths, here comes @firstname@ @lastname@!  You've killed a parking meter in cold blood, and you'd do it again.  You're a bit of an arsonist, when the situation calls for it.", "perk": "1", "meleebonus": "1", "rangedbonus": "1", "spellbonus": "1", "icon": "icon_flame", "id": "motivation_checkeredpast3", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_lostsoul": { "name": "Lost Soul", "description": "You don't know what you're looking for, and you're not sure how you'll know it when you find it.", "perk": "1", "icon": "icon_lostsoul", "bluetext": "???", "id": "motivation_lostsoul", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_findself": { "name": "Voyage of Self-Discovery", "description": "You're looking for yourself", "perk": "1", "icon": "icon_mirror", "bluetext": "Maybe you're in a mirror somewhere", "id": "motivation_findself", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_shadow": { "name": "Haunted", "description": "A darkness haunts you, and you can't rest until you learn its name.", "perk": "1", "icon": "icon_shadowball", "bluetext": "Don't worry, it will find you soon enough", "id": "motivation_shadow", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_meat": { "name": "Meat-Minded", "description": "It's like you're thirsty, but for wealth.", "perk": "1", "meatbonus": "20", "icon": "icon_meat", "id": "motivation_meat", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_fame": { "name": "Ambition", "description": "You want to be somebody people will remember.", "perk": "1", "icon": "icon_trophy", "bluetext": "Whatever it takes", "id": "motivation_fame", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_items": { "name": "Acquisitive Nature", "description": "You've always believed that the best things in life are things.", "perk": "1", "itembonus": "20", "icon": "icon_ring_engagement", "id": "motivation_items", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_hard": { "name": "Guarded", "description": "Your hard exterior conceals what I can only assume is an even harder interior.", "perk": "1", "physicalarmor": "1", "icon": "icon_shield", "id": "motivation_hard", "usable": "1" },
"motivation_chaos": { "name": "Agent of Chaos", "description": "You firmly believe that everything happens for no reason.", "perk": "1", "icon": "icon_foolscap", "bluetext": "Things are less predictable when you're involved", "id": "motivation_chaos", "usable": "1" },


"perk_plants": { "name": "Cryptobotanist", "description": "You know how to get the good stuff out of the insides of plants.", "perk": "1", "plants": "1", "bluetext": "Gather crafting ingredients from plants", "icon": "icon_plants", "id": "perk_plants", "usable": "1" },
"perk_bugs": { "name": "Insectologist", "description": "You have intimate knowledge of all the different slimy stuff that comes from the inside of bugs.", "perk": "1", "bugs": "1", "icon": "icon_bugs", "bluetext": "Gather crafting ingredients from insects", "id": "perk_bugs", "usable": "1" },
"perk_rocks": { "name": "Psychogeologist", "description": "You know how to break open rocks and steal their secrets.", "perk": "1", "rocks": "1", "bluetext": "Gather crafting ingredients from rocks", "icon": "icon_rocks", "id": "perk_rocks", "usable": "1" },


"brag": { "name": "Brag", "description": "Another great thing about you is that you're really good at bragging.", "xpcost": "45", "bluetext": "Boast your way out of anything!", "pig_": "yes (this is for dumb query purposes)", "icon": "icon_none", "id": "brag", "usable": "1" },
"bewitch": { "name": "Bewitch", "description": "Anyone can lie, but if you want to be really good at it, you'll need to use a little magic.", "xpcost": "40", "bluetext": "Confuse people with magic", "cheese_": "yes (for query purposes)", "icon": "icon_none", "id": "bewitch", "usable": "1" },
"smoothtalk": { "name": "Bamboozle", "description": "It doesn't count as lying if you do it for a really good reason.", "xpcost": "35", "bluetext": "Bend the truth for fun and profit", "jazz_": "yes (for query purposes)", "icon": "icon_none", "id": "smoothtalk", "usable": "1" },