Professor Adams

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Professor Adams
Portrait adams.png
S.I.T Campus, chemicals department
Could be!
Portrait adams.png I muſt ſay, the amount of unclothed Ankle on diſplay is ſcandalous! The young Men muſt be in conſtant danger of their Brains over-heating.

Professor Adams is a companion in Shadows over Loathing. He is available only if you choose the Chemicals major in S.I.T. Campus, Porkham.

The professor is unlocked by brewing a vial of bronze revivifier (formula: 3132) in the Chemicals classroom and applying it to his statue in the same building.

Personality and Background

Adams is an old school Professor. Having bronzed himself as an experiment and being stuck as a statue for 205 years, he is frequently amazed by the changes in the modern world. He speaks in an antiquated style, employing the long S (ſ), capitalized nouns, and archaic grammar. Adams is a man of science, constantly sketching theories and ideas in his notebook and keeping a large array of chemicals for any future experiments.


After each combat victory, Adams shares boring facts about the enemy, granting 3 extra XP.

Companion vignettes

First vignette

Second vignette

  • In Crystaldream Lake, Adams will smell a foul rotten meat odor and comment that ever since his de-bronzing he has been unable to smell at all. He then goes to investigate and finds the Grove of the Corpse Flower.
  • Seeing 3 bystanders who comment on the flower's god-awful stench, Adams inhales deeply from the flower, increasing the potency of all of his chemicals. Deeming the adventure satisfactory, he returns to the player.