Crazy Pete

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Crazy Pete
Portrait pete.png
Boring Springs Saloon
Could be!

You first encounter Crazy Pete in the Boring Springs Saloon. There are no other specific conditions to taking him as your pardner when you first leave town.


  • Pete gives you extra 10 - 20 meat when mining most meat veins.
  • He knows about most of the mines on the map. Pete knows about one area in each region of the map:
Region Location Pete may reveal
a Snakepit Mine
b Kole Ridge Mine
c Lost Dutch Oven Mine
d Jumbleneck Mine
e Soupstock Lode
f Madness Maw Mine
g Last Custard Stand
h Deepest Delve Mine


Pete has the following combat abilities:

Inv iconframe.pngIcon lanternbash.png Lantern Bash is a normal melee attack, but hot-aligned, and thus does damage based on the difference between Pete's and the opponent's Muscle, modified by any hot resistance they may have.
Inv iconframe.pngIcon peptalk.png Pep Talk is a beneficial skill that gives the selected target a boost to all stats for the duration of combat.
Inv iconframe.pngIcon darkwhisper.png At level 3, Crazy Pete gains the Dark Whisperin' ability, spooking all enemies for minor spooky damage. This can only be used once per battle.


  • Crazy Pete only levels up upon finding random things during random events while wandering.
    • Pete will only level up once in each map region (and not in Region A).
    • Levelling will only happen after 1 - 3 wanders in a region.
  • As well as gaining basic stats and increased damage (or benefit) from his different abilities, Pete's also improves his armor, and gains some cold and hot resistance at higher levels.
Level Muscle Mysticality Moxie Max HP Hot Damage Pep Talk (stat raise) Dark Whisperin' (spooky damage) Armor Cold Resistance Hot Resistance Notes
1 5 4 3 15 5 2 3 3 0% 0%
2 10 8 6 20 8 3 5 5 0% 0%
3 15 12 9 25 11 4 7 7 0% 0% Receives the Dark Whisperin' ability
4 20 16 12 30 14 5 9 9 0% 0%
5 25 20 15 35 17 6 11 11 20% 20%
6 30 24 18 40 20 7 13 13 20% 20%
7 35 28 21 45 23 8 15 15 40% 40%
8 40 32 24 50 26 9 17 17 40% 40%
