Harmonic Frequency Reference (90Hz - 180Hz)

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Harmonic Frequency Reference (90Hz - 180Hz)
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

A handy reference manual if you find yourself needing to know the exact frequencies at which a narrow range of substances will vibrate.

Grants the skill: Tricky Timpani
Sell Value: 100 Meat


Cost: 75 XP

Acquired From

When Used

You look up "muscles" in the book and learn what frequency to play the drums at to really ruin somebody's day at the gym.

You got a skill: Tricky Timpani

There's more than one kind of muscle, though. You could look up the others, if you took the time.

(If you do, Tricky Timpani will also increase your Moxie by 3)

  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 75 XP.

You learn that in addition to harming the savage pectoral muscle, music can also soothe it.

Tricky Timpani has been upgraded!

You get so relaxed because of your newfound knowledge that you carelessly misplace the book.
