Hard Rock, Soft Rock

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Hard Rock, Soft Rock
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

This is an index of all of the different types of rock there are, sorted by hardness.

Grants the skill: Cheddarmor
Sell Value: 100 Meat


Cost: 75 XP
Effect: 2 extra armor

Acquired From

When Used

You study the rocks and a part of your brain hardens with newfound knowledge.

You got a skill: Cheddarmor

You could probably learn more if you put your newly-stiffened mind to it.

(If you do this, Cheddarmor will grant an additional 2 Physical Armor)

Study hard
  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 75 XP.

You study the book as hard as you can, and learn how to make your conjured armor as hard as it can. Be.

After you're done, you triumphantly slam the book down onto a nearby desk, and it shatters.

Cheddarmor has been upgraded!

Too hard