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Portrait gabby.png
Murray's Antique Store, initially
Could be!
Portrait gabby.png Hi hello! Gabby's name is Gabby!

Gabby is a goblin flapper who works with Jessica and Uncle Murray at Murray's Antique Store.

Personality and Background

Not much is know about Gabby. However, she joined Murray upon overhearing him and Jessica talking about finding someone with Muscles for the next job. She tell (and convince) them that she has a lot of muscles, and has been working with them ever since.


  • Gabby is your first companion and will immediately join you upon her encounter.
  • It is upon meeting Gabby for the first time that you get to choose your player character's pronouns.


At random occasion during wander or travelling to other location anywhere (mostly Ocean City) while travelling with you, she will pass you a random candy which bolsters your stat. How she got the candy remains unknown as she keeps her goblin tongue tight-lipped about the source.

Sometimes she may bolster her muscle and other stat during wanders or when talked to, but its rare.


  • Flap Slap: Gabby Slaps The Enemy for X damage (upgradeable for +3 damage)
  • Healing Spores : Gabby Releases Spores Which Heals All Allies by 5 health (upgradeable to cure poison)
  • Fire Dance: Gabby will set all enemies on fire for 3 damage (unlocked via random Gray County wander event )

Wander Events

Location One time Repeatable
Ocean City Gabby's Muscle increases by 1. Find one of: licorice taffy, spearmint taffy, root beer taffy
Crystaldream Lake Gabby's Maximum HP increases by 5. Gain ~17 Meat.
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham Gabby's Mysticality increases by 1. Find one of: bottle of bone soda, bottle of durian soda, bottle of ghost pepper soda, bottle of ice soda, bottle of pork soda
The Big Moist Gabby's Healing Spores now also cure Poison. Gain ~17 Meat.
Gray County Gabby learns a new skill: Fire Dance Find one of: decomposing pâté, extra-fatty pâté, pâté d'toilet, pâté sorbet, self-braising pâté.
Government Valley Gabby's Moxie increases by 1. Gain 24-32 Meat.

Combat wins

Wins One time
Winning 7 fights with Gabby Gabby's Flap Slap now deals 3 additional damage.
Winning 14 fights with Gabby Gabby gains 3 Physical Armor.
Winning 21 fights with Gabby Gabby's Mysticality increases by 1.

Companion Vignettes

First Vignette

  • In Crystaldream Lake, Gabby will say that she is going to a nearby cave, for a secret reason. In the cave Gabby finds many mushrooms, eating the ones with an aura around them. Continue exploring the cave to find a crack in the floor which has hot steam issuing from it; exclaiming that this is the perfect place to pop. Gabby proceeds to Pop, sending spores everywhere. New Gabbys will grow. Gabby's Maximum HP increases by 5.

Second Vignette

  • Also in Crystaldream Lake, Gabby will excuse the player to check up on the new Gabbys. In the cave Gabby finds all the spores grown up and learning to dance and fight. Gabby can introduce herself and after enough introduction's Gabby's Muscle increases by 1.

In the Epilogue if the player completed Gabby's quest, Gabby will summon all the other Gabbys to fight and dance over the President of Shadows immediately after going to the credits.


  • In Companion vignette EVENT 1, her spores popping hints that this may not be the original Gabby, but one of the original's offspring from a spore as Goblin tends to leave spores with their genes behind (as hinted in the ending by the pardner Gary the Goblin from West of Loathing), which creates identical clone offspring.
  • Oddly, it is unknown if "Goblinspeak" even exist in Shadows over Loathing, as all goblins can be interacted like others without the garbled words. This is true when meeting Gabby for the first time.