Field Manual CW401: Culinary Tactics

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Field Manual CW401: Culinary Tactics
Ocean City

This Cola Wars-era army manual ensured that even the soldiers whose entire job it was to feed people were still able to inflict casualties.

Grants the skill: Parmesan Missile
Sell Value: 50 Meat


Cost: 100 XP
Effect: +2 damage

Acquired From

When Used

You read the book and learn an efficient, battle-tested method for hurting people with cheese.

You got a skill: Parmesan Missile

There are some notes scrawled in the margin by some former owner of the book. They're messy, but you could read them if you put some effort in.

(If you do, Parmesan Missile will deal 2 additional damage)

Pore over the notes

XP You spend 100 XP.

Wow, the soldier who wrote these notes was a real masochist! If these techniques aren't against the Geneva Conventions, they certainly will be in a year or two.

Parmesan Missile has been upgraded!

You discard the book in disgust.

The horror...