Do-It-Yourself Sports Medicine

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Do-It-Yourself Sports Medicine
Ocean City

A coach once won the Nobel Prize in football for his discovery that a copy of this book for each player was cheaper than hiring a team doctor.

Grants the skill: Tape Up
Sell Value: 50 Meat

Acquired From

When used

First time:

You skim the book and learn how to apply tape to various parts of your body. The prevention of future damage is equivalent to recovery from past damage.

You got a skill: Tape Up (Heal target for 5 HP)

If you read it more carefully, you can probably improve your technique a little bit. It's gonna take some commitment, though.

Second time, with 50 XP (consumed on use):

You read the book again, really internalizing the dangerously uninformed medical advice.

Tape Up has been upgraded! (+5 healing)

You donate the book to a local hospital, the staff of which immediately destroys it.