Cooking For Health

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Cooking For Health
Ocean City

This cookbook's focus is healthy cheese recipes, guaranteed to fortify your arteries with rich, protective cholesterol.

Grants the skill: Medical Manchego
Sell Value: 50 Meat


Cost: 50 XP
Effect: +5 healing

Acquired From

When Used

You flip through the healthy cheese recipes, and consider other ways in which cheese might be used for healthy purposes.

You got a skill: Medical Manchego

There are some more advanced recipes in the back.

(If you read them, Medical Manchego will heal an additional 5 HP)

Check them out
  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 50 XP.

You read the recipes and gain even more insight into the health benefits of cheese.

Medical Manchego has been upgraded!

Unfortunately, you're so distracted by your newfound doctoring skills that you forget your librarianing skills, and promptly lose the book.
