Category:Shadows over Loathing potion effects

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The following table shows a list of all potion effects in Shadows over Loathing. Below the table is the formal category listing.

Potion effects list

Image Name Effect Source
Icon oilcan.png Well-Oiled Your movements are now almost entirely devoid of internal friction. 11-in-1 oil
Icon flask3.png Acoustically Sound Your hearing is improved, which makes you better at playing musical instruments and shooting guns and... throwing javelins. acoustic nostrum
Icon testtube2.png Meat Frequency The fluid you drank has given you an innate sense of where Meat is hiding. actinic resonance fluid
Icon beaker3.png Anabolic Anger There's gotta be a punchier name for what's happening to you right now. anabolic agonist
Icon aquamortis.png Pre-Embalmed Yea, though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil, because you drank some very scary liquid earlier. aqua mortis
Icon coffeecup2.png Whole-Body Jitters That tea is making every atom in your body dance. ballerina tea
Icon toothwax.png Waxy Grin Your teeth are as gleamingly waxed as a train station floor. Bertworth's Finest Toothwax
Icon bloodomen.png Cursed Blood The bad news is that your blood is cursed. The good news is that there's a lot of it. Blood Omen
Icon bluecola.png Blue Blood You're all amped up and ready to achieve things on behalf of your nation. Blue Cola
Icon potion3.png Hot and Blooded And also hot blooded, I guess. boiled blood
Icon devilbile.png Flaming Lips If somebody told you to kiss their ass, they'd be lying. boiling devil bile
Icon stew.png Bone Appetit Your skeleton feels emboldened by your choice of beverage. bone broth
Icon soda.png Bone-Chilled If drinking actual bones didn't scare you, what chance does anything else have? bottle of bone soda
Icon soda.png Nasal Grip You've got a tight grip on your nose. If this isn't reflected in any of your character animations, it's because you're using a different hand than the one you expect. bottle of durian soda
Icon soda.png Peppermouth Your mouth is burning so intensely that you wouldn't even notice if the rest of you was burning. bottle of ghost pepper soda
Icon soda.png Mouth Freeze Your mouth is like a tundra. And like a tundra, the things that live near it don't mind the cold so much. bottle of ice soda
Icon soda.png The Porkmouth Look Your mouth is filled with lingering pork flavor, making everything else seem slightly less distasteful. There ain't nothing quite like it. bottle of pork soda
Icon flask1.png Solution: Boxing Every problem now looks like an unpunched face. boxing solution
Icon breathmint.png Fresh Breath That powerful breath mint eradicated every last bacterium in your mouth. All that remains is mentholated freshness. breath mint
Icon blacksludge.png Sludged Up You're feeling pretty agitated from that sludge, which means it either had some residual caffeine in it, or something so dangerous and toxic that your body is running a constant low grade panic attack. bubbling black sludge
Icon cologne.png You Could Smell Worse The cologne you sprayed on yourself smells slightly better than nothing. cheap cologne
Icon coldmouthwash.png Washed Mouth Your mouth has been comprehensively cooled. chilled mouthwash
Icon coldegg.png Cold Gullet Heat slides off you like water off a duck's back. cold waterbug egg
Icon testtube2.png Fungus Among You Every one of your senses is as sharp as whichever of a mushroom's senses is the sharpest. concentrated mushroom distillate
Icon beaker1.png It's a Gas Gas Gas That swamp gas made you dizzy, but it also made you dizzy in the opposite direction, and the combined effect is just a weirdly elevated overall state of awareness. condensed swamp gas
Icon flask2.png Superconductive Magical energy is having an easier time moving through your body because of that extremely dangerous liquid you drank. conductive distillate
Icon wineglass.png Red-Stained Lips Your lips are stained with artificial wine coloring. cosmetic wine
Icon cottoncandy.png Gauzed-Up Guts You are comprehensively insured against internal bleeding. cotton candy
Icon beaker2.png Enluted Blood Your blood is the opposite of diluted, which is totally a real word. diluted blood
Icon papercup.png diner coffee
Icon doubleice.png Double-Frozen You've got ice in your veins, and also your muscles and bones and nerves, and also it's double ice, not regular ice. double ice
Icon eaudetoilet.png Toilet Wet You're soaked in toilet water, which protects you from things that smell up to as bad as toilet water. eau de toilet
Icon beaker1.png Electrified Knuckles Your hands are charged with electricity, which nearly doubles your fidgeting efficiency. electrified oil
Icon colagrenade.png Heliotropic You're turning ambient unltraviolet light into energy. The only downside is that you keep unconsciously turning to stare directly at the sun. extra green soda
Icon cocktailsauce.png Cocktail Sinuses Your head has been hollowed out by fire, allowing you to smell everything much more clearly. extra-spicy cocktail sauce
Icon greasecan.png Greased Face Your face has a protective layer of grease on it, which allows you to lean in closer to look at hot engines and carburetors and stuff. face grease
Icon thickener.png Thick Face This is probably the thickest your face has ever been. face thickener
Icon pile.png Faerie Dusted You're as optimistic as a faerie, and they're super optimistic because they don't bother to learn anything about the world. faerie dust
Icon bottle2.png Effectif Digestif Your infides are digestifing perfefctly. Good fob! farmer's amaro
Icon lotionbottle.png Oiled Up You're oiled up and ready to flex. Just... ignore the fish smell. fish-liver oil
Icon fishbooze.png Confused and Angry You're really angry at whoever forced you to drink that stuff, and the next time you find a mirror, you're going to give them whatfor. fishman concoction
Icon fissionsoda.png The Flavor of Everything You're filled with every taste at once, which makes it difficult to sort out external stimuli. forbidden fission soda
Icon spores.png Synaesthesis You like the way those spores make you think. fragrant spores
Icon gatorpunch.png Bitter, Somehow The sour sweat potion has made you angry. gator punch
Icon rustycola.png Comprehensive Inflammation Your entire body is swollen with displeasure about the beverage you just drank. gatorman cola
Icon ghostjuice.png Ghost Juiced You're .5 percent ghost, by weight. ghost juice
Icon milkglass.png Strong Bones Your bones are hardened with calcium, especially the skull part of your bones. glass of old-style milk
Icon webglob.png Webbed Your face is protected by a thick layer of spider silk. glob of spider webs
Icon targlob.png Sticky Hands It's much easier to grip your weapon now, but much harder to put it down. Be careful not to clap. gob of tar
Icon coffeecup.png Angergized You're simultaneously amped up from the caffeine in that nasty beverage, and angry that you drank it. hand-crafted coffee
Icon handgasoline.png Clean but Flammable Hands The gasoline fumes wafting off of your hands are making it a lot easier for you to set stuff on fire. hand-washing gasoline
Icon hardcandy.png Candied You've had a small amount of hard candy, which has made your body a small amount harder. hard candy
Icon coffeecup2.png Heftea Some of your weakness has been replaced with wheatness. hearty wheat tea
Icon grit sol.png Vibrating Sinuses You've got a lot of tiny magic rocks bouncing around behind your face. hexrock powder
Icon beaker3.png Hyper-Reactive There's nothing you can't respond to, quickly and energetically. hyper-reactive compound
Icon coffeecup.png Jittery as Hell That tea was way stronger than the stuff they serve in Heaven. infernal coffee
Icon taffy.png In a Black Study One way or another, that black licorice has put you in the mood for violence. licorice taffy
Icon lipbalm.png Balmed Your lips would be right at home in Gilead. lip balm
Icon radiation.png Irradiated You've deliberately exposed yourself to radiation, and mankind will almost certainly never discover that this was in any way a bad idea. loose radiation
Icon pastetube.png Glowing Smile You've got a real winning smile, if the context is a brightness contest. luminous toothpaste
Icon eyedrops.png Drops of Mercury The quicksilver in your eyes is letting you see the fast versions of the other colors, too. mercury eyedrops
Icon hairgel.png Annealed Tresses Thick gel has hardened your hair into a natural helmet. mob hair tonic
Icon militarysoda.png Martial Fizz The military soda you drank has you bloated for war. Modern Army soda
Icon plantjuice.png Liquid Salad You've consumed an entire day's worth of vegetables in a single gulp. You're not sure if Dr. Wilbur Olin Atwater would be pleased or disgusted with you. murky green juice
Icon coffee.png Alert, Regretful You've got plenty of mental energy with which to wish you hadn't drunk that disgusting coffee. nasty old coffee
Icon roundbottle2.png Regal You feel like royalty, assuming what it takes to rule is just being slightly stronger, smarter, and more charismatic than average. noble elixir
Icon lotionbottle.png non-Newtonian motion Your skin is coated in a substance that deflects incoming blows by 70 degrees. 180 degrees would be more effective, but that's just not how science works. non-Newtonian lotion
Icon testtube3.png Healthy Glow For certain definitions of "healthy. nuclear tincture
Icon coffee.png Cold Discomfort You're heavily caffeinated, and you don't even have a warm belly to take the edge off of it. old, cold coffee
Icon perfumesample.png Perfumed If a French person smelled you right now, they would probably say "Eau! perfume sample
Icon phasebean.png Bean-Charged The spectral bean you consumed has pushed you slightly out of alignment with reality. phase bean
Icon coffeecup2.png Slight Internal Warmth The temperature differential between your insides and the outside is slightly larger than it normally is. plain tea
Icon testtube2.png Blood Blood Blood Your blood is thicker than blood. plasmatic elixir
Icon beaker4.png Plasmatastic Your blood cells have a lot more room to swim around in than they usually do. plasmatic serum
Icon adamspotion.png Old-Style Potion They don't make them this strong anymore. Professor Adams' special potion
Icon massageoil.png Well-Oiled Your muscles are as flexible as they are glistening. puckwudgie massage oil
Icon poisonvial.png Poisoned Weapon Tip Here's another tip -- don't accidentally poison yourself with your weapon. puckwudgie poison phial
Icon rouge.png Both Kinds of Glowing One day science may discover a third kind. radium rouge
Icon colagrenade.png Red Blooded Your veins bulge with patriotism and sugar. Red Cola
Icon beaker2.png Elegantly Oiled Your joints and coiffure are equally urbane. refined oil
Icon rhinobalm.png Rhino Balmed You feel like you could knock down the walls of Gilead with your bare hands. Rhino Balm
Icon robotfuel.png All Revved Up You're operating at peak efficiency, or at the very least peak velocity. robot fuel
Icon taffy.png The Root of All Things That root beer taffy has grounded your mind. root beer taffy
Icon sportsdrink.png Sporty Your electrolyte levels are optimized for sports, and also optimized for beating up nerds. S.I.T. sports drink
Icon sandwichcream.png Creamed You've consumed enough congealed cream to clog every single one of your pores. Sandwich cream
Icon boilingsolution.png Boiling Inside You're so hot on the inside that if you rolled around in a campfire it'd feel like a snowbank. self-boiling solution
Icon shadowbeer.png Out of Focus You've got one foot in the Shadow and it's making you care less about the slings and arrows of the physical world. shadow beer
Icon shadowpotion1.png Shadow Swelling You are turgid with Shadow. shadow elixir
Icon shadowpotion2.png Shadow Sight You can see out of your skin. This will make it way easier to find your keys. shadow grease
Icon shadowmead.png Shadowy Cravings You've got to find some Meat so you can buy more of that mead. Also you need to figure out where to buy it, because it is several different kinds of illegal to sell. shadow mead
Icon shadowpotion3.png Milk of the Void You're suffused with milky Shadow. It's making you kind of phlegmy. shadow milkshake
Icon shadowwine.png Wine-Dark You're like a half-shuttered lantern. shadow wine
Icon testtube2.png Precipitating Violence You've got the bad science juice in you, and the only way to get it out is to punch stuff. sinister precipitate
Icon lozenge.png Internally Slippery You've been vaccinated against things that are slippery. slippery lozenge
Icon taffy.png Ex-Spearienced That taffy has both made you want to throw spears at people, and also made you better at throwing spears than you usually are. spearmint taffy
Icon stinkingsalts.png Burned-Out Snoot You can hardly smell a thing. stinking salts
Icon gelglob.png Slicked-Back Hair Your hair is stylish, if you think slicked-back hair is stylish. (You do.) stylish pomade
Icon supersyrup.png Super Soldier You feel like you've gone through whatever the non-basic equivalent of Basic Training is. Super Training, let's say. supersoldier syrup
Icon bark.png Barked Your body is covered with thick bark. It increases your defensive abilities, but it has no effect one way or another on your bite. thick bark
Icon lipids.png Several Extra Fat Layers You're so greasy on the inside that exterior grease is no longer of any concern to you. triple-distilled lipids
Icon coffeecup2.png Mintea That tea made your breath extremely fresh. triple-mint tea
Icon sunscreen.png Zinced-Up Nose Even if flames consume your cheeks and your mouth and your eyes and your forehead, your nose will still be as smooth as a baby's... nose. tube of sunscreen
Icon testtube2.png Chemical Chaos Those chemicals are all bouncing around inside you doing all sorts of wacky stuff. unidentified chemicals
Icon beaker1.png Universally Lubricated All parts of you, including your trigger finger and your social skills, are extremely well-lubricated. universal lubricant
Icon vibratingsolution.png Vibrating You're like a human tuning fork. vibrating solution
Icon coffeecup2.png Luciditea Your ideas are just a little bit better than they usually are. weak mushroom tea
Icon weightchalk.png Chalked Hands Nothing can escape your iron grip. Well, not nothing, but less stuff than normal. weightlifting chalk
Icon wormoil.png Worm-Oiled At least now you know what the grossest thing you're going to get on your skin today is. worm oil

Category listing

Pages in category "Shadows over Loathing potion effects"

The following 107 pages are in this category, out of 107 total.