concentrated mushroom distillate

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concentrated mushroom distillate
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

This fluid is the distilled essence of way more mushrooms than you could cram into a test tube this size.

Increases the damage of your Melee Weapon Attacks by 4
Increases the damage of your Magical Weapon Attacks by 4
Increases the damage of your Ranged Weapon Attacks by 4 (until you use another potion)
Sell Value: 15 Meat

Acquired From

When used

You drink the distillate. It doesn't take as long as eating a thousand mushrooms, but that's the only axis on which it's different.

Powerful stuff


  • Fungus Among You – Every one of your senses is as sharp as whichever of a mushroom's senses is the sharpest.