Bones And How To Crack Them

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Bones And How To Crack Them
The Big Moist

A treatise on bone pain and how to maximize it in your victims.

Grants the skill: Crack Knuckles
Sell Value: 150 Meat


Cost: 100 XP
Effect: 2 additional Myst

Acquired From

When Used

You skim through most of the really nasty parts, but you do learn a few things about knuckles that you're able to apply in non-torture contexts.

You got a skill: Crack Knuckles

There's a slightly more challenging chapter that delves deeper into knuckle physics...

(If you do, cracking your knuckles will increase your Mysticality by an additional 2)

Knuckle down
  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 100 XP.

You study knuckle anatomy until you can't think about anything else.

Crack Knuckles has been upgraded!

When you've finished, you crack your knuckles so loudly that the resulting sonic boom disintegrates the book.
