Agent of Chaos

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Agent of Chaos
Motivation: Chaos

You firmly believe that everything happens for no reason.

Things are less predictable when you're involved


Class: all
Type: Perk

Acquired From

  • Talking to Ethel at The Nightingale Diner (only appears as an option after checking all other options at least 7 times).


Pick your character's motivation by choosing a perk from the Nightingale Diner. Choosing Agent of Chaos will unlock some additional dialog options in some locations:

  • This perk lets you get info about drinks from Barnaby for free instead of paying 5 meat.
  • Tell the lady in A Dream About School, "The sparrow flies at noon.".
  • Tell Charles, "What's a Charlie Chuck, Kiki?"
  • If you absorbed the pillars in Government Valley you can still get the "good" ending as Agent of Chaos.
  • A phone in Government Valley asks "What will you do on a rainy day? When your house is on fire, how will you get out? When you are in the train, who will save you?". As Agent of Chaos, you can reply "I wear the mantle of both house and flame."
  • Makes the ring of the raucous fracas even more random.
  • More...