The Melting Mind

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The Melting Mind
Crystaldream Lake

You're not sure what kind of book this is. Avant-garde social commentary? Psychedelic research journal? Total nonsense created by the random nighttime firings of your own neurons?

Grants the skill: Mind Melt
Sell Value: 75 Meat


Cost: 75 XP
Effect: also heal you for 5

Acquired From

When Used

You read the weird book, including all the several-page-long footnotes, the parts in different typefaces and orientations, and the parts written in languages you don't speak.

You got a skill: Mind Melt

You can't help but think there's more to the story than this, though. Maybe you should read it again.

(If you do, Mind Melt will also heal you for 5 HP)

Read it again
  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 75 XP.

You read the book a second time, and pick up a few new weird details. You still don't understand most of it, however. Your subconscious must just be a bad writer.

Mind Melt has been upgraded!

You decide you've had enough and melt the book with your mind.
