The Breeze In The Bristlecones

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The Breeze In The Bristlecones
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

A travelogue written by a botanist who specialized in high-altitude trees.

Grants the skill: Second Wind
Sell Value: 100 Meat

Acquired From

When used

First time:

You read about the botanist's high-altitude exploits and the advanced breathing techniques she had to develop in order to survive up there.

You got a skill: Second Wind (Restore half your maximum HP)

There are a bunch of lung-strengthening exercises in the back of the book, but it's a long routine, and it'd be a lot of work to actually go through with it. (If you do, Second Wind will restore an additional 25 percent of your HP)

Second time, with 75 XP (consumed on use):

You huff and puff your way through the lung workout, and when you're done, you breathe a sigh of relief.

Second Wind has been upgraded! (+25% healing)

Unfortunately, the sigh is way more powerful than you were expecting, and it blows the book away.