Talk:West of Loathing skills

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These are lists from an older page which duplicates this one:

Lists of skills

Cow Puncher Skills

These skills are exclusive to Cow Punchers,

Beanslinger Skills

These skills are exclusive to Beanslingers.

Icon Name In-Game Description Effect How to Obtain
Icon beangolem.png Bean Golem Summon a powerful golem made of beans who will (probably) do your bidding. Summons a bean golem to aid you in combat.

Usable once per fight.

Reading the chapter on automatons in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon beanshield.png Beanshield Conjure up a whirling sphere of beans that will protect you from attacks. Boosts your Armor in combat.

Usable once per fight.

Starting combat skill for Beanslingers.
Icon beanwall.png Beanwall Conjure up a wall of beans in front of you, which will provide cover from gunfire. Conjures a wall of beans in front of you, protecting from ranged attacks. If there is already something in front of you, a beanwall will be summoned in another empty slot. Reading the recipe for a wall-shaped pile of beans in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon bloodbeans.png Bloodbeans Your bloodstream is chock full of tiny beans, which are in turn chock full of restorative proteins. Restores a bit of HP every round in battle. Reading the chapter on tiny bean dishes in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon butterbean.png Butter Bean This spell lets you conjure a giant bean made of pure butter, then use it to gum up an opponent's works. Decreases your target's Muscle, Mysticality, and Moxie. Reading the articles on butter and beans in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon beanblizzard.png Great Northern Blizzard Summon a whirling blizzard of frozen Great Northern beans, dealing Cold damage to all of your enemies. Deals Cold damage to every enemy you're facing in combat. Reading the recipes for ice-cold bean-based desserts in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon hellbender.png Hellbender You tamper with the forces of nature, making yourself a force of nature. Increases Spell Damage. Starting miscellaneous skill for Beanslingers.
Icon lavafava.png Lava Fava Summon a fava bean made of boiling lava, and hurl it at your unsuspecting foes! Deals Hot damage to a single target, potentially setting it on fire. Starting combat skill for Beanslingers.
Icon cookery.png Master Cookery Your cooking skills have boiled over and splatted all over the sublime. You can cook really good bean foods, as well as make equipment out of bean irons. Reading Beans Illustrated.
Icon outfoxin.png Outfoxin' You're smarter than a box of rocks. Allows you to pass speech skill checks using logic and outsmarting your foe. Starting miscellaneous skill for Beanslingers.
Icon usebean.png Use The Ol' Bean Get smarter! Increases your Mysticality. Reading the meditation techniques in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.
Icon wary.png Wary You're keepin' an eye out for trouble, 'cuz you know it's keepin' an eye out for you. Increases your maximum AP at the beginning of combat. Reading the paranoid, insane scrawlings in a volume of Advanced Beancraft.

Snake Oiler Skills

These skills are exclusive to Snake Oilers.

Icon Name In-Game Description Effect How to Obtain
Bad Medicine First, do no harm. Is how that oath you didn't take starts. Decreases enemy Moxie by a fixed amount. Reading the article Debilitating Toxins: Where are they now? in a copy of Modern Snake Oiler.
Deadeye You're a crack shot. You can bullseye a bull's eye at 300 paces. You can shoot a fish in a barrel, even if the fish is really small and the barrel is really big. Gives bonus Pistol Attack Damage, increasing with each level. Starting miscellaneous skill for Snake Oilers.
Deploy Snake What good is a briefcase full of snakes if you can't occasionally pull a snake out and tell it what to do? Deploy a snake onto the battlefield to assist you in combat. Starting combat skill for Snake Oilers.
Expert Poisoner You're much better a poisoning things than you are at not poisoning them. When you apply poison, you apply three times as much. Reading the fold-out chart in a copy of Modern Snake Oiler.
Fan Hammer Shoot first, then shoot again, then shoot again, and then ask questions if there's anything left to ask questions of. You shoot an enemy multiple times, each attack dealing a bit more damage than the last. Reading the letter to the editor in a copy of Modern Snake Oiler.
Good Medicine Some of your patent medicines actually work! You save those for your own use. You recover a set amount of HP. Reading the recipe for the new snake-oil concoction in a copy of Modern Snake Oiler.
Hornswogglin' You're a city slicker and a witty trickster. Allows you to pass speech skill checks using lies and trickery. A starting miscellaneous skill for Snake Oilers.
Potionology Your potion-mixing skills are the toast of the West. Allows you to mix up snake-oil concoctions for use in and out of combat. Reading Oils I Have Known.
Shootenanny Have a wild shootin' party! You fire multiple shots wildly into the air. Each shot lands in a random spot on the enemy team.

Usable once per fight.

Reading the essay in a copy of Modern Snake Oiler.
Snakewhip Whip out a snake, then whip something with it! This skill deals a flat amount of damage and poisons its target. Deals a flat amount of damage to a target and poisons it. A starting combat skill for Snake Oilers.
Strong Medicine The right combination of chemicals, extracts and oils can make you stronger, smarter and more stylish, respectively. Boosts all stats by a fixed amount.

Usable once per fight.

Reading the recipe for the quick-brew potion in Modern Snake Oiler.

Nex-Mex Skills

These Necromantic skills are learned by reading Nex-Mex Textbooks. These can be obtained from encounters with Cultists and from other sources. While riding a pale horse in Region A, you will sometimes encounter a necromancer and a skeleton. Winning this battle will give you a Nex-Mex Textbook.

Meddling with the Dark Arts comes with a price. While your first Nex-Mex book will not cause you harm, each subsequent book read will grant you a negative "perk" that weakens you in some way. Something of note is when you learn enough Necromancy skills, the perks Withered Muscles and Clouded Eyes will give a -25 'bonus' to Melee and Pistol attacks, which will definitely make life harder for you if you are a Cow Puncher or a Snake Oiler.

If Doc Alice is your companion, learning Nex-Mex skills will anger her. She will express disapproval every time you attempt to learn a new skill, excluding the first attempt.

Icon Name In-Game Description Effect How to Obtain
Icon skull.png Grinnin' Skull Skulls are scary, and ghosts are scary, so you know what would be double scary? Yes, you do. Blast an enemy with a spectral skull to deal Spooky damage. Reading Introductory Nex-Mex.
Icon summonskeleton1.png Raise Skeletal Buddy You can ensorcel skeleton bones and then use them to summon skeletons to protect you in combat! You can ensorcel Skeleton bones to create an Ensorcelled skeleton bone. Using it in combat will summon a Skeletal buddy to aid you. Reading Fundamentals of Nex-Mex.
Icon vampiricyodel.png Vampiric Yodel Yodelay-hee-boo. Steal HP from an enemy, and potentially disable it for a turn. Reading Intermediate Nex-Mex.
Icon summonskeleton2.png Raise Skeletal Thrall You can bind the soul fragments left in chips of skull and then use them to summon skeletal wizards to do you bidding in combat! You can ensorcel Skull chips to create Ensorcelled skull chips. Using it in combat will summon a Skeletal thrall to aid you. Reading Frightening Topics in Nex-Mex.
Icon rainofteeth.png Rain of Teeth At any given point, there are millions of human teeth suspended in the clouds above us. You just know how to jostle them loose. Conjure up a ghastly rain of teeth in combat to attack the entire enemy team, dealing Spooky damage. Reading Horrifying Concepts of Nex-Mex.
Icon darkhowdy.png Dark Howdy Say hello. To EVIL. Utter a dark howdy in combat to boost your Mysticality. However, this will decrease your Muscle and Moxie. Reading Dangerously Advanced Nex-Mex.
Icon summonskeleton3.png Raise Skeletal Gunslinger You can ensorcel loose teeth, which you can then use to summon a skeletal gunslinger in combat. You can ensorcel a Handful of loose teeth to create an Ensorcelled tooth. Using it in combat will summon a Skeletal gunslinger to aid you. Reading Dark Forbidden Secrets of Nex-Mex.

Miscellaneous Skills

Icon Name In-Game Description Effect How to Obtain
Icon moneybag.png Dickerin' You drive a hard bargain, and you never let anyone sell you the long end of the stick. Gives a discount at stores. Reading Mind Your Meat.
Icon cards.png Dirty Poker You've learned how to cheat at the the weird variant of Poker they play in these parts. Unlocks the option for you to cheat while playing Poker. Reading How to "Cheat" at "Poker".
Icon turnip.png Foragin' You know how to live off the land, by extracting food and booze and potions from the cactus parts of the land. Allows you to extract goods from cacti. Reading Desert Eatin' and Drinkin'.
Icon lock.png Lockpickin' Expertise They ain't yet invented a lock that''ll keep you out! Allows you to pick locks. Reading Locks and How to Pick Them.
Safe1.png Safecrackin' The word "safe" is a real misnomer when you're around. Allows you to crack safes. Reading Get Crackin': A Guide to Modern Safes.