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Your potion-mixing skills are the toast of the West.


Class: Snake Oiler
Type: Miscellaneous
AP Cost: N/A


Level 1:

You can brew up impressive snake-oil concoctions

Level 2: 100 XP

You can brew up very impressive snake-oil concoctions

Level 3: 300 XP

You can brew up mind-blowingly impressive snake-oil concoctions

Acquired From


  • Note 1: Venom and Medicine refer to Briefcase full of snakes and the quantity it lists. While things like venom gland are an item.
  • Note 2: Potionology is a 2 step process. First you craft your basic level 1 potion. Then you are given a one time option to upgrade it with an extra dose of either medicine or venom. If you don't have enough in your briefcase full of snakes when you initially crafted the basic potion, then you will not get a second chance to upgrade it and must instead restart the brewing process from scratch with a fresh batch of ingredients.
  • Note 3: When crafting the basic potion, the game uses the shorthand "a liver" or "a spleen" or "a venom gland". Those actually refer to snake liver, snake spleen, and snake venom bladder. So make sure you have enough in stock.
Level First Material Second Material result Use Properties
1 liver venom gland Shot of snake juice Drinks Increases your Ranged Damage by 10 for the rest of the day
liver spleen Snake schnapps Drinks Increases your Moxie by 5 for the rest of the day
venom gland liver Patent moisturizer Potions! Increases your Moxie by 5 for the rest of the day
venom gland spleen Patent liver tonic Potions! Increases your Maximum HP by 25 for the rest of the day
spleen liver Flammable bullet oil Combat Items Deals Hot damage to an enemy
spleen venom gland Venomous bullet oil Combat Items Deals some damage to an enemy and poisons them
2 Shot of snake juice venom Fortified snakewine Drinks Increases your Maximum HP by 30 for the rest of the day
Snake schnapps medicine Snake shellac Drinks Increases your Armor by 10 for the rest of the day
Patent moisturizer venom Patent vitality serum Potions! Increases your Muscle, Mysticality and Moxie by 7 for the rest of the day
Patent liver tonic medicine Patent vision drops Potions! Increases your Ranged Damage by 20 for the rest of the day
Flammable bullet oil venom Extra-flammable bullet oil Combat Items Deals Hot damage to an enemy and sets them on fire
Venomous bullet oil medicine Extra-venomous bullet oil Combat Items Deals damage to an enemy and poisons them
3 Shot of snake juice medicine Fine snake cognac Drinks Increases your Item Drop bonus by 20% for the rest of the day
Snake schnapps venom Pure snake spirits Drinks Increases your Muscle, Mysticality and Moxie by 9 for the rest of the day
Patent moisturizer medicine Patent energizing tonic Potions! Increases your Maximum AP by 1 for the rest of the day
Patent liver tonic venom Patent immunity philter Potions! Makes you immune to poison, being set on fire, and being disabled, all for the rest of the day
Flammable bullet oil medicine Flaming bullet oil Combat Items Deals Hot damage to all enemies and sets them on fire
Venomous bullet oil venom Incredibly venomous bullet oil Combat Items Deals damage to all enemies and poisons them