[ingredient], [ingredient], and [ingredient] omelet

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[ingredient], [ingredient], and [ingredient] omelet
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham
Quest item

This is the breakfast you made for your Culinary Science class. Guaranteed to be as delicious as it sounds.

Acquired From


The name of the omelet depends on your choices when making it. You can choose from three lists of seven ingredients each. The first option in the first list is always hot dog.

The remaining ingredients are randomly selected from a list including:

  • aioli
  • anise
  • apricot
  • artichoke
  • asparagus
  • avocado
  • banana
  • basil
  • beef
  • blueberry
  • cabbage
  • cantaloupe
  • cardamom
  • carrot
  • cauliflower
  • caviar
  • celery
  • cheddar
  • chicken
  • chimichurri
  • chimichurry
  • chive
  • chocolate
  • cocoa
  • coconut
  • cod
  • coriander
  • corn
  • cranberry
  • duck
  • durian
  • elderberry
  • endive
  • fennel
  • feta
  • fig
  • garlic
  • goat
  • goose
  • grape
  • grapefruit
  • green pepper
  • ham
  • herring
  • honeydew
  • hot dog
  • jicama
  • ketchup
  • lamb
  • licorice
  • lime
  • macaroni
  • mango
  • marjoram
  • mayonnaise
  • mine
  • mulberry
  • mushroom
  • mustard
  • okra
  • onion
  • oregano
  • paprika
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • pesto
  • pheasant
  • plantain
  • plum
  • pomegranate
  • porridge
  • potato
  • quince
  • radish
  • raspberry
  • rice
  • rosemary
  • rutabaga
  • saffron
  • salt
  • snakemeat
  • spinach
  • squab
  • strawberry
  • swiss cheese
  • tartar sauce
  • thyme
  • tomato
  • tuna
  • turmeric
  • turnip
  • vanilla
  • veal
  • venison
  • vinegar
  • watercress
  • watermelon
  • worcestershire sauce
  • (and probably more)
  • aioli
  • anise
  • apricot
  • artichoke
  • asparagus
  • avocado
  • banana
  • basil
  • beef
  • blueberry
  • cabbage
  • cantaloupe
  • cardamom
  • carrot
  • cauliflower
  • caviar
  • celery
  • cheddar
  • chicken
  • chimichurri
  • chimichurry
  • chive
  • chocolate
  • cocoa
  • coconut
  • cod
  • coriander
  • corn
  • cranberry
  • duck
  • durian
  • elderberry
  • endive
  • fennel
  • feta
  • fig
  • garlic
  • goat
  • goose
  • grape
  • grapefruit
  • green pepper
  • ham
  • herring
  • honeydew
  • hot dog
  • jicama
  • ketchup
  • lamb
  • licorice
  • lime
  • macaroni
  • mango
  • marjoram
  • mayonnaise
  • mine
  • mulberry
  • mushroom
  • mustard
  • okra
  • onion
  • oregano
  • paprika
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • pesto
  • pheasant
  • plantain
  • plum
  • pomegranate
  • porridge
  • potato
  • quince
  • radish
  • raspberry
  • rice
  • rosemary
  • rutabaga
  • saffron
  • salt
  • snakemeat
  • spinach
  • squab
  • strawberry
  • swiss cheese
  • tartar sauce
  • thyme
  • tomato
  • tuna
  • turmeric
  • turnip
  • vanilla
  • veal
  • venison
  • vinegar
  • watercress
  • watermelon
  • worcestershire sauce
  • (and probably more)